A collection of useful decorators for making AWS Lambda handlers
is a collection of useful decorators for writing Python
handlers for AWS Lambda. They allow you to
avoid boiler plate for common things such as CORS headers, JSON serialization,
# handler.py
from lambda_decorators import json_http_resp, load_json_body
def handler(event, context):
return {'hello': event['body']['name']}
When deployed to Lambda behind API Gateway and cURL'd:
$ curl -d '{"name": "world"}' https://example.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/hello
{"hello": "world"}
If you are using the serverless framework I recommend using serverless-python-requirements
sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
echo lambda-decorators >> requirements.txt
Or if using some other deployment method to AWS Lambda you can just download the entire module because it's only one file.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dschep/lambda-decorators/master/lambda_decorators.py
includes the following decorators to avoid boilerplate
for common usecases when using AWS Lambda with Python.
- async_handler - support for async handlers
- cors_headers - automatic injection of CORS headers
- dump_json_body - auto-serialization of http body to JSON
- load_json_body - auto-deserialize of http body from JSON
- json_http_resp - automatic serialization of python object to HTTP JSON response
- json_schema_validator - use JSONSchema to validate request&response payloads
- load_urlencoded_body - auto-deserialize of http body from a querystring encoded body
- no_retry_on_failure - detect and stop retry attempts for scheduled lambdas
- ssm_parameter_store - fetch parameters from the AWS SSM Parameter Store
- secret_manager - fetch secrets from the AWS Secrets Manager
See each individual decorators for specific usage details and the example for some more use cases. This library is also meant to serve as an example for how to write decorators for use as lambda middleware. See the recipes page for some more niche examples of using decorators as middleware for lambda.
includes utilities to make building your own decorators
easier. The before, after, and on_exception decorators
can be applied to your own functions to turn them into decorators for your
handlers. For example:
import logging
from lambda_decorators import before
def log_event(event, context):
return event, context
def handler(event, context):
return {}
And if you want to make a decorator that provides two or more of before/after/on_exception functionality, you can use LambdaDecorator:
import logging
from lambda_decorators import LambdaDecorator
class log_everything(LambdaDecorator):
def before(self, event, context):
logging.debug(event, context)
return event, context
def after(self, retval):
return retval
def on_exception(self, exception):
return {'statusCode': 500}
def handler(event, context):
return {}
Initially, I was inspired by middy which I like using in JavaScript. So naturally, I thought I'd like to have something similar in Python too. But then as I thought about it more, it seemed that when thinking of functions as the compute unit, when using python, decorators pretty much are middleware! So instead of building a middleware engine and a few middlewares, I just built a few useful decorators and utilities to build them.