NEAR.rb is a Ruby client library for the NEAR Protocol. It provides a API client for block data as well as wraps the NEAR Command-Line Interface (CLI) in a high-productivity Ruby interface.
- Fetches block data from the API.
- Supports parsing of block, chunk, transaction, and action data.
- Wraps the complete CLI features in an idiomatic Ruby interface.
- Provides comprehensive account management operations.
- Supports token operations for NEAR and other assets.
- Supports smart contract deployment and interaction.
- Handles transaction construction, signing, and monitoring.
- Integrates with hardware wallets and secure key storage.
- Implements type-safe balance operations and input validation.
- Supports both the mainnet and testnet environments.
- Offers cross-platform support with zero library dependencies.
- 100% free and unencumbered public domain software.
gem install near
- Importing the library
- Fetching block information
- Tracking block production
- Tracking chain transactions
- Tracking chain actions
- Tracking contract interactions
- Instantiating the CLI wrapper
- Viewing account details
- Importing accounts
- Creating accounts
- Deleting accounts
- Managing access keys
- Managing tokens
- Calling read-only contract methods
- Calling mutative contract methods
- Deploying a smart contract
require 'near'
Block data is fetched from the high-performance API that caches blocks using Cloudflare's network with more than 330 global edge locations:
block = NEAR.testnet.fetch(186_132_854)
Thanks to the built-in API client, it is trivial to track the current tip of the chain in a robust and efficient manner:
NEAR.testnet.fetch_blocks do |block|
puts [block.height, block.hash].join("\t")
NEAR.testnet.fetch_blocks do |block|
puts block.inspect
block.each_transaction do |transaction|
puts "\t" + transaction.inspect
For a more elaborated example, see
NEAR.testnet.fetch_blocks do |block|
puts block.inspect
block.each_action do |action|
puts "\t" + action.inspect
For a more elaborated example, see
NEAR.testnet.fetch_blocks do |block|
puts block.inspect
block.find_actions(:FunctionCall, receiver: 'aurora', method_name: /^submit/) do |action|
puts "\t" + action.inspect
For a more elaborated example, see
# Use the NEAR testnet (the default):
testnet = NEAR.testnet)
# Use the NEAR mainnet (to test in prod):
# mainnet = NEAR.mainnet)
# View an account summary:
summary = testnet.view_account_summary('arto.testnet')
puts summary
# View an account at a specific block height:
summary = testnet.view_account_summary('arto.testnet',
block: 185_304_186
# View an account at a specific block hash:
summary = testnet.view_account_summary('arto.testnet',
block: '13UmYhdcdst88aC19QhjYjNMF1zRmaAyY6iqwc5q45bx'
# List access keys in an account:
keys = testnet.list_keys('arto.testnet')
puts keys
# Import an account using a seed phrase:
result = testnet.import_account_with_seed_phrase(
'rapid cover napkin accuse junk drill sick tooth poem patch evil fan',
hd_path: "m/44'/397'/0'"
# Import an account using a private key:
result = testnet.import_account_with_private_key(
# Create an account funded from a faucet (testnet only):
result = testnet.create_account_with_faucet(
public_key: 'ed25519:HVPgAsZkZ7cwLZDqK313XJsDyqAvgBxrATcD7VacA8KE'
# Create an account funded by another account:
result = testnet.create_account_with_funding(
'sub.example.testnet', # new account
'example.testnet', # funding account
'ed25519:6jm8hWUgwoEeGmpdEyk9zrCqtXM8kHhvg8M236ZaGusS', # public key
'1 NEAR' # initial deposit
# Create a new implicit account:
result = testnet.create_implicit_account('/path/to/credentials/folder')
# Delete an existing account:
result = testnet.delete_account(
'my-obsolete-account.testnet', # account to delete
beneficiary: 'v2.faucet.nonofficial.testnet' # account receiving remaining balance
# Add a full-access key to an account:
result = testnet.add_full_access_key(
# Add a function-call key to an account:
result = testnet.add_function_call_key(
'app.example.testnet', # contract that can be called
['set_status', 'get_status'], # allowed methods
'1 NEAR' # allowance
# Delete an access key from an account:
result = testnet.delete_key(
# Send NEAR tokens from one account to another:
result = testnet.send_near(
# Call a view method:
result = testnet.view_call(
'myapp.testnet', # contract account
'get_status', # method name
{ account_id: 'user.testnet' } # arguments
# Call a view method at a specific block height:
result = testnet.view_call(
{ account_id: 'user.testnet' },
block: 12345678
# Call a mutative method as a transaction:
result = testnet.call_function(
'myapp.testnet', # contract account
'set_status', # method name
{ status: 'Hello NEAR!' }, # arguments
signer_id: 'user.testnet', # account that signs tx
deposit: '1 NEAR', # attached deposit
gas: '30 TGas' # attached gas
# Deploy a new contract:
result = testnet.deploy_contract(
'myapp.testnet', # contract account
'/tmp/contract.wasm', # WASM file path
signer_id: 'deployer.testnet',
# Optional initialization:
init_method: 'new',
init_args: { owner_id: 'deployer.testnet' },
init_deposit: '0 NEAR',
init_gas: '30 TGas'
# Download a contract WebAssembly blob:
result = testnet.download_wasm(
git clone