Usage: Feed energy from battery to grid, while limiting the output to the actual power usage.
Interface: RS485 over USB
Other implementations:
- Solaranzeige (PHP)
- aeclogger (C)
- AEC-Webserver (Python)
Usage: Measure energy imported/exported from/to grid.
Interface: Multicast over Ethernet
Other implementations:
- SMA-EM (Python)
Usage: Monitor battery cell voltages
Interface: UART over USB
Other implementations:
- BatteryMonitor (Python)
Usage: Turn on/off AC for inverter.
Usage: Turn on/off AC for charger and measure it's power consumption.
Controls a charger via a PWM signal, to consume all power that would otherwise be exported to the grid.
Commandline tool to interact with AEconversion micro inverters.
$ ./ -i 629 -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --show-yield --h
usage: [-h] -i INVERTER_ID -d DEVICE [--show-data] [--show-status]
[--show-yield] [--check] [--set-limit SET_LIMIT]
[--output OUTPUT] [--retry RETRY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INVERTER_ID, --inverter-id INVERTER_ID
ID of the inverter, last 5 digits of the serial
number, without leading zeros
-d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
RS485 device, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0
--show-data show data
--show-status show status
--show-yield show yield
--check Nagios style check
--set-limit SET_LIMIT
set limit to X watt
--output OUTPUT text (default), csv, json output for show commands
--retry RETRY retry X times if the request fails, default 5
$ ./ -i 123 -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --show-data
500-90 device, max. 510.0W, version TF0.9.21 533
PV (A): 0.31
PV (V): 57.77
PV (W): 16.1
AC (W): 15.53
$ ./ -i 123 -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --set-limit 100
500-90 device, max. 510.0W, version TF0.9.21 533
$ ./ -i 123 -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --show-status
500-90 device, max. 510.0W, version TF0.9.21 533
Commandline tool to read metrics from SMA energy meter.
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-s SERIAL_NUMBER] [--check] [--output OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Filter for serial number and hide SN column
--check Nagios style check
--output OUTPUT text (default), csv, json output for show commands
--loop Endless loop, CTL+C to stop
$ ./ --loop
Time Serial Number External power supply Grid feed-in
2019-04-28 12:58:40 3002851234 0.0 2488.9
2019-04-28 12:58:41 3002851234 0.0 2535.6
2019-04-28 12:58:42 3002851234 0.0 2521.6
$ ./ -s 3002851234 --output csv
Time;External power supply;Grid feed-in
2019-04-28 13:00:00;0.0;2020.9