;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ILC.PRO - IDL/GDL LightCurve generator ;;; ;;; - GDL, gnu data language, see ;;; ;;; http://gnudatalanguage.sourceforge.net/ ;;; ;;; - IDL, Interactive Data Language, see ;;; ;;; http://www.exelisvis.com/ProductsServices/IDL.aspx ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
See ilc.pro for more detail
;;; Calculate Disk-Resolved and Disk-Integrated Brightness (dib) for
;;; ellipsoid given lighting and viewing geometries, assuming Sun and
;;; observer are at infinite distances.
;;; Allows spots to be added to the surface
;;; N.B. All input longitudes are degrees WEST!
;;; Input arguments:
;;; axesArg Ellipsoid semi-major axes, XYZ
;;; sunLatArg Sub-solar latitude
;;; sunDWLongArg Sub-solar delta West longitude wrt observer
;;; obsLatArg Sub observer latitude
;;; Input keywords:
;;; obsWLong Sub-observer West longitude(s), default=0
;;; nPixel Size of image, default=512
;;; albedoMap Albedo map (not yet implemented)
;;; spots Array of Lat,WLong,Radius,Brightness spot structures
;;; PhotFunc String; name of photometric func
;;; Arg2PhotFunc Optional argument to PhotFunc
;;; debug
;;; If multiple observer longitudes are supplied (argument obsWLong), then
;;; function ILC returns information for each observer longitude as
;;; an element in an array.
;;; Returned datum (for each input observer longitude) is an IDL structure:
;;; { dib: Total Disk-Integrated Brightnesses
;;; , img: Square array (image) of Disk-Resolved Brighnesses
;;; , obsLatDeg: Sub-observer latitude, degrees
;;; , obsWLongDeg: Sub-observer WEST longitude, degrees
;;; , sunLatDeg: Sub-solar latitude, degrees
;;; , sunWLongDeg: Sub-solar WEST longitude, degrees
;;; }
;;; Example:
;;; - Get lightcurve of [5,3,1] triaxial ellipsoid at 37 sub-observer
;;; West Longitudes at 10-degree increments (0,10,20,...,360), with
;;; - sub-solar latitude = -10deg (10S)
;;; - sub-solar West longitude = 40deg West of sub-observer point
;;; - sub-observer latitude = 20deg (20N)
;;; - 64x64 pixel images
;;; rtn = ilc([5,3,1],-10,40,20 ,obsWLong=indgen(37)*10 ,nPixels=64)
;;; - Display the first of those images of Disk-Resolved Brightnesses:
;;; tvscl, rtn[0].img
;;; - Plot lightcurve: Observer West Longitude vs. Disk-Integrated
;;; Brightnesses
;;; plot, rtn.obsWLong, rtn.dib