re-write - incomplete
The /dragelec/ project was initially started to alert me when there was a light or temperature issue with my bearded dragons enclosure and play a Polish radio station, it relied on; one of the first raspberry pi’s a DS18B20 wired temperature sensor an LDR MPD - the commandline music player some python code for monitor and emailing
Over the years it has morphed and altered in part as a process of learning and in part due to expanding the things monitored and using different methods of data storage (csv,rrd)
So what is dragelec today [2019-05-05 Sun]? It is both much improved but reduced in functionality, only monitors temperatures which are logged into an SQLite db, i removed the flask functionality i could never get a dashboard the way i wanted and lost the clamp for electricity monitoring during a house move.
It may help others (sqlite, reading wireless sensors)