A fantasy console written in C++ using SFML and using ChaiScript for scripting.
NOTE: these are intended features, they are not yet available.
- DRAK-0 has a 320x240 6-bit screen.
- The palette has 64 colors and is customizable.
- It has 5 256x256 pixel sprite banks with a default intent of:
- Bank 0 --> Custom Font
- Banks 1-2 --> Background Sprites
- Banks 3-4 --> Foreground Sprites
- It has an 8x8 map bank each containning a 40x30 8x8 sprite map
- It has a 256 KiB code bank
- It has a 64 KiB data bank (for storing save data)
- It has support for simultaneous:
- 2 gamepads (d-pad, a, b, x, y, start, select)
- 2 2-button mice
- Scripting supported through ChaiScript
NOTE: Currently this is the only build option available.
The repo contains a Solution file "DRAK-0.sln" and the folder "DRAK-0" contains the actual project "DRAK-0.vcxproj" and its resources. This is done in case additional apps are created to go along with DRAK-0.
You should just be able to build and run it. Easy peasy. :)
SFML I've switched over to using vcpkg for depending on SFML. NOTE: To use them yourself you will need to install vcpkg and install SFML using one or all of the following:
vcpkg install sfml:x86-windows-static vcpkg install sfml:x64-windows-static
- ChaiScript this is added into the repo manually from github.
- Boost.Nowide this is added into repo manually from github.
- randutils this is added into the repo manually from github.