This Servo Controller was originally designed for use with the Nano, but should work unchanged on the Uno, etc. It has also been adapted to the Pico.
This sketch is written for the Nano and AVR series. It has up to 8 input lines that controlup to 8 servos. These inputs can be absolute (Active Low) or alternating, allowing use of toggles or push-buttons, or being connected to a accessory board.
The inputs can be connected to SPDT slide or toggle switched with the centre to the board pins D0-D7 and the other two terminals connected to groaund and 5V. Or, 8 pushbuttons connected to ground and to D0-D7. In this case one has to uncomment one line in tne sketch: "#define ALTERNATE" to allow the pushbuttons to choose the two servo psotitions alternately.
The outputs D8-D13, A4 and A5 are connected to eight servos.
In addition there are four control lines, operated by push-buttons, used to program the endpoints of the servos:
- Next servo - choose the next servo
- Next position - choose the next servo position
- Up -- move the chosen servo one way
- Down -- move the chosen servo the other way Changes to the servo positions will be stored in EEPROM after 20 seconds of inaction.
The sketch has been modified to:
- AVR using use an external PCA9685, see AVR_ServoController_PCA9685.ino. This allows up to 16 servos.
- Pico using native (PIO) servo-driver to allow 8 servos. (This uses all PIO, so be aware.). Pico_ServoCOntroller_Native.ino.
- Pico using a PCA9685. This allows 16 servos. Pico_ServoController_PCA9685.ino.
Copy one of the sketches into a new sketch in the Arduino IDE. CHoose the correct oprocessor. You will need to use Library Manager to download the ServoEasing library.
Inexpensive motherboards can be used to make life easier, since they have a power supply and servo connectors, for example:
This will require the "#define ALTERNATE" line to be uncommented in the sketch.
This set up has an LCC-Loconet-USB, and two LCC Towers. I have programmed a pushbutton to send alternating eventids. The same Tower consumes these, and moves a servo to one endpoint and then to the other endpoint.