Open profile
About me
const dpertsin = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["TypeScript", "Javascript", "Python", "Java"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "app dev", "cloud computing", "UI/UX", "tech trends"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Next.js"],
css: ["Css", "Tailwind", "Bootstrap"],
uiLibraries: ["Material UI", "Shadcn UI"],
backEnd: {
js: ["Node", "Express", "NestJS"],
python: ["Flask"],
mobileApp: {
crossPlatform: ["React Native", "Expo"],
devOps: ["Dockerπ³", "CI/CD", "Nginx", "GitHub Actions"],
cloudServices: {
DigitalOcean: ["Droplets", "Databases", "Spaces", "Functions"],
databases: ["PostgreSQL", "MongoDB", "SQLite", "Firebase Realtime DB", "redis"],
misc: ["Socket.IO", "REST APIs", "WebSockets", "Cloud Functions"],
generativeAI: ["GPT", "Vectorization"],
architecture: {
frontEnd: ["SPA", "SSR"],
backEnd: ["microservices", "monolithic", "serverless"],
devOps: ["CloudFormation", "Serverless Framework"],
databases: ["Relational", "NoSQL", "In-memory"],
currentFocus: "I want to contribute to healthcare open source projects.",
location: "Thessaloniki, Greece",
languages: ["Greek", "English", "German"],
approachable: "Yes, to collaborate on exciting projects, don't hesitate to react out.",
hobbies: "Basketball, Gaming, Gym & playing music.",
education "Computer Science and Technology at the University of Macedonia."
funFact: "I can debug faster when I am alone!"
βTell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me, and I learn.β
Benjamin Franklin
Free DOSE hit
DOSE (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin & endorphin), refresh page if dose was ineffective.
What can I do for you?
If you have any questions about web development, writing mistake-free documentation, feel free to contact me by email, I won't bite, I promise. |