Team Members: David Pace, Andy Tran, and Lisa Gilmore-Montero
Route | Method | Data | Description |
/store-data | GET | JSON of basic store-front, includes all categories and products | Returns Product List and Category List in a single get request |
/products | GET | Json of products img link name | Product List: Displays list of all the products Will get data from a database. |
/categories | GET | Json of categories ID name | Category List: Displays list of all categories Will get data from a database |
/productList/guest/update | POST/GET | Search, Sort/Filter, Categories | Product List: Update the list of products. Updating the products in the list can be done through using the search engine feature, sort & filter feature, or changing the category using the navigation bar Will get the updated list from a database |
/productList/guest || userID/cart | GET | Cart: View the shopping cart Will get the data from a database. Update the view by having a modal appear | |
/user/cart/:cartid/add | POST | AddToCart, | Cart: Can add item to cart of :id |
/user/cart/:cartid/remove | POST | RemoveFromCart, -Body {productID} | Cart: Can remove item to cart of :id |
/productPage/guest | GET | Product View: Display product information | |
/productList/userID | Product List: Displays list of all the products | ||
/productList/userID/update | POST | —-------------------- | Same as guest/update |
/productList/userID/cart | GET | —--------------------- | Same as guest/cart |
/productList/userID/cart/update | POST | —--------------------- | Same as guest/cart/update Changes to the cart will need to make changes in the database for specific user |
/productPage/userID | GET | —--------------------- | Same as productPage/guest - but can also add item to wishlist |
/productList/userID/wishlist/update | POST/GET | AddToWish | Wishlist: Can add item to wishlist in productList view A modal will appear in the view in order to choose which list to add it too |
/productList/userID/wishlist/create | POST | CreateList | Wishlist: Can create a wishlist Option in the wishlist modal is too create a wishlist. This wishlist will be added to the user’s account |
/accountPage/userID/wishlist | GET | Wishlist: Display the different wishlist when on the accountPage Accesses the user’s database information | |
/accountPage/userID/wishlist/update | POST | EditList | Wishlist: Can edit a wishlist Can remove an item from a user’s wishlist. Will need to update the changes in the database |
/accoutPage/userID/wishlist/delete | DELETE | DeleteWishlist | Wishlist: Can delete wishlist Will need to delete wishlist in the database |
/accountPage/userID/logout | Logout | Logout: Logout of account User authentication - need to logout | |
/accountPage/userID/accountInfo | GET | Account Info: Display account info User authentication Access user’s information in the database | |
/accountPage/userID/accountInfo/update | POST | EditAccountInfo | Account Info: Can edit account info User authentication Need to make update the account info |
/accountPage/userID/password | GET | Change Password: view change password page | |
/accountPage/userID/password/update | POST | EditPassword | Change Password: can change password User authentication Changing password in database |
/productList/admin | GET | Product List: Displays list of all the products Need to access data from database | |
/productList/admin/update | POST/GET | Search, Sort/Filter, Categories | Product List: Update the list of products. Updating the products in the list can be done through using the search engine feature, sort & filter feature, or changing the category using the navigation bar Will get updated list from database and will change the view to display updated list |
/productList/admin/deleteProduct | DELETE | RemoveProduct | Product List: Remove product from list/ pops up modal to confirm deletion Will need to delete product in the database |
/productPage/admin | GET | Product List: Display Product information Access product information from the database | |
/productPage/admin/addFeature | POST/GET | AddFeature | Product Page: Add Feature - modal will pop up in the view for inserting information |
/productPage/admin/removeFeature | DELETE | RemoveFeature | Product Page: Remove Feature - modal will pop up in the view to remove features |
/productPage/admin/update | POST | UpdateProduct | Product Page: Update product information Changes made will be used to update the product’s information in the database Will need the products id |
/accountPage/admin/accountInfo | GET | —----------------------- | Same as userID/accountInfo |
/accountPage/admin/accountInfo/update | POST | —----------------------- | Same as userID/accountInfo/update |
/accountPage/admin/password | GET | —----------------------- | Same as userID/accountInfo/password |
/accountPage/admin/password/update | POST | —----------------------- | Same as userID/accountInfo/password/update |
/accountPage/admin/AddProduct | GET | Add Product: Display add product view Will get corresponding html code and will appear in the view | |
/accountPage/admin/AddProduct | POST | CreateProduct | Add Product: Input product information and add new product Will need to add new product to database |
/accountPage/admin/logout | GET | —---------------------- | Same as userID/logout |
/accountPage/admin/marketplace | GET | Marketplaces: Displays all products | |
/accountPage/admin/marketplace/add | POST | AddToMarket | Marketplace: Can add product to marketplace and marketNotification displays |
/accountPage/admin/marketNotification | GET | MarketAlert | Marketplace modal: Displays requirements for specific market place |
/accountPage/admin/marketID | GET | MarketID: Displays specific marketplace and marketNotification appears if requirements are not satisfied | |
/accountPage/admin/marketID/updateItem | DELETE | DeleteFromMarket | Same as productList/admin/deleteProduct |
/accountPage/admin/marketID/edit | POST | UpdateProduct | Changes view to a similar view to /productPage/admin/update - still in accountPage though - returns back to marketID after changes are saved |
/accountPage/admin/marketID/overview | GET | Market Overview: Display stats Get this information by using an API to the market place | |
/accoutPage/admin.marketID/delete | DELETE | DeleteMarket | Same as /userID/wishlist/delete |
/checkout | GET | Checkout: Displays the items in cart | |
/checkout/userID | GET | Checkout: Displays the items in cart Will get cart info from the database using the userID | |
/checkout/userID/update | POST | editCart | Checkout: Can make changes to the cart Need to update the changes to the database |
/login | POST | Login | Login: input login info - can get to this page from /productList/admin || guest User authentication |
/signup | POST | SignUp | SignUp: sign up - can get to this page from /productList/admin || guest/ User authentication |