fastify-objectionjs is a plugin for the Fastify framework that provides integration with objectionjs ORM.
Supports Fastify versions ^2.0.0.
If you don't provide the knexConfig.client
by yourself (see below), the plugin use the default configuration:
const defaultKnexConfig = {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: './default.sqlite'
npm i fastify-objectionjs --save
Define the objectionjs model
// user.model.js
'use strict'
const { Model } = require('objection')
const schema = require('./schema')
class User extends Model {
static get tableName () {
return 'users'
static get jsonSchema () {
return Base.generateJsonSchema({
type: 'object',
required: ['username', 'password'],
properties: {
id: { type: 'integer' },
username: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
password: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
salt: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
created_at: { type: 'string' },
updated_at: { type: 'string' }
module.exports = User
Add the knex config and objectionjs models to the project with register
const fastify = require('fastify')()
const User = require('./user.model.js')
fastify.register(require('fastify-objectionjs'), {
knexConfig: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: './default.sqlite'
models: [User]
const schemas = {
response: {
200: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: { type: 'integer' },
token: { type: 'string' }
401: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
message: { type: 'string' }
body: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
username: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
password: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 }
required: ['username', 'password']
}'/login', { schema }, async function (request, reply) {
const { username, password } = request.body
const user = await fastify.objection.models.user
.findOne({ username })
if (user && fastify.password.validate(user.password, user.salt, password)) {
const token = fastify.jwt.sign(
{ sub: user.username },
{ expiresIn: '6h' }
reply.send({ id:, token })
} else {
reply.status(401).send({ message: 'Invalid username or password' })
fastify.listen(3000, err => {
if (err) throw err
You can also use the plugin only to do the setup and call the model files directly.
const fastify = require('fastify')()
const User = require('./user.model.js')
fastify.register(require('fastify-objectionjs'), {
knexConfig: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: './default.sqlite'
const schemas = {
response: {
200: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: { type: 'integer' },
token: { type: 'string' }
401: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
message: { type: 'string' }
body: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
username: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
password: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 }
required: ['username', 'password']
}'/login', { schema }, async function (request, reply) {
const { username, password } = request.body
const user = await User.query().findOne({ username })
if (user && fastify.password.validate(user.password, user.salt, password)) {
const token = fastify.jwt.sign(
{ sub: user.username },
{ expiresIn: '6h' }
reply.send({ id:, token })
} else {
reply.status(401).send({ message: 'Invalid username or password' })
fastify.listen(3000, err => {
if (err) throw err
fastify-objectionjs accepts the options object:
knexConfig: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: './default.sqlite'
models: [User],
upperCase: false,
underscoreBeforeDigits: false,
underscoreBetweenUppercaseLetters: false
(Default:sqlite3 connection
): can be set any knex valid configuration.models
): a collection of objectionjs models.upperCase
): Set totrue
if your columns are UPPER_SNAKE_CASED.underscoreBeforeDigits
): Whentrue
, will place an underscore before digits (foo1Bar2
). Whenfalse
): Whentrue
, will place underscores between consecutive uppercase letters (fooBAR
). Whenfalse
will becomefoo_bar