Automated shift scheduling for small businesses.
- Toby Hoshman
- Vanessa Yip
- Sofie Graham
- Caleb Choi
To open the app in a dev environment, first install dependencies by running this command in your terminal:
npm install
Then install postgres db:
brew install postgres
If you are prompted, run this to start pg: brew services start postgresql
Run pg in your command line:
psql postgres
Check out for commands. Manually create a database on your local machine using the terminal:
CREATE DATABASE <your database name> WITH OWNER <your owner name>
The default password is "null"
Creat a .env file in the root folder with the following variables:
- DB_HOST=localhost
- DB_USER={your username for postgres}
- DB_NAME=shiftly
- PORT=9000
Once your db is set up, run the app by running each of these command in a seperate terminal window:
npm run react-dev
npm run server-dev
npm run db:setup (one time to seed the database with example data)
- Node 6.4.x
- Redis 2.6.x
- Postgresql 9.1.x
- etc
- etc
From within the root directory:
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install (Do we use bower?!)
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.