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It's a simple multilingual application boilerplate for developer who interested in Canjs and Flask combination.

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It's a simple multilingual application boilerplate for developer who interested in Canjs and Python Flask combination. Flask part is inspired by Matt Wright's article.

Development Precautions.


When you develop new feature.

  1. pull develop branch
  2. make a new branch : git branch <name_of_new_feature_branch>
  3. develop and commit to new feature branch.
  4. make a test and do testing.
  5. If it works properly, review codes to avoid new bugs, merge to develop branch.
  6. remove new feature branch.

When you fix a critical problem.

  1. pull test branch
  2. make a new branch : git branch <name_of_hotfix_branch>
  3. develop and commit to new feature branch.
  4. make a test and do testing.
  5. If it works properly, review codes to avoid new bugs, merge to develop branch.
  6. Also, merge to test branch.
  7. remove hotfix branch.



  • Don't use console.log();
  • Use utils.log(Trace|Debug|Info|Warn|Json|Object|Error).
  • Javascript log(utils.log(Trace|Debug|Info|Warn|Json|Object|Error)) should not contain '()' for optimize javascript.
  • If you miss it, it will occur error in production environment.
  • ex)utils.logDebug('initEdit', upload_image);
  • wrong) utils.logDebug('initEdit', something_wrong());


  • Flask/Canjs combination.
  • Internationalization ready.
  • Uesr CRUD implementation.
  • User following/followers function implementation.
  • Social connection implementation.
    1. facebook
    2. others (TODO)
  • RESTful API implementation.
  • Responsive web design.
  • Google's crawler friendly url('#!').
  • Generate document easily.(Sphinx)
  • Do testing easily. (nosetests)
  • Cross Browser Compatibility (IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Chrome, Opera..)
  • Do you need more Features? Fork it and improve it! :D

How it works?



Client side

  • Canjs, Client-side JavaScript Framework.
  • RequireJS, JavaScript file and module loader.
  • RequireJS Optimizer, Optimization tool of RequireJS.
  • Initializr, HTML5 templates generator.
  • Bootstrap, Front-end framework.
  • Bootstrap-ie7, Bootstrap 3 for IE7.
  • mustache, Logic-less templates.
  • i18next, JavaScript translating toolkit.
  • Font Awesome, It gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized.
  • typeahead.js, It is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library.
  • spin.js, It dynamically creates spinning activity indicators that can be used as resolution-independent replacement for AJAX loading GIFs.
  • Placeholders.js, It is a JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 placeholder attribute.
  • Jade(pyjade), High performance port of Jade-lang for python.
  • jQuery, It is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
  • jQuery BBQ, It leverages the HTML5 hashchange event to allow simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history.
  • Grunt, The JavaScript Task Runner.
  • Can-Compile, Compiles CanJS EJS and Mustache views into a single JavaScript file.
  • grunt-shell, A good way to interact with other CLI tools.
  • grunt-contrib-watch, Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted..
  • grunt-uncss, A grunt task for removing unused CSS from your projects.
  • time-grunt, Displays the execution time of grunt tasks.

Server side

  • Flask, Microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions.
  • Flask-Babel, Extension to Flask that adds i18n and l10n support to any Flask application.
  • Flask-Gravatar, It's small and simple integration gravatar into flask.
  • Flask-Security,It allows you to quickly add common security mechanisms to your Flask application.
  • Flask-Social, Oauth provider login and APIs for use with Flask-Security.
  • Flask-Assets, Flask-Assets helps you to integrate webassets into your Flask application.
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy, Extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy.
  • Flask-WTF, It offers simple integration with WTForms.
  • Flask-Cache, It helps you to integrate cache into your Flask appication.
  • Alembic, Alembic is a lightweight database migration tool for usage with the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python.
  • Celery, Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.

Debugging & Testing

  • nose, It is nicer testing for python.
  • BusterJS, JavaScript testing toolkit.

Documentation Generating

  • Sphinx, Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation.
  • JSDoc, An inline API documentation processor for JavaScript.


Install with docker.

  1. Install Docker.

  2. Pull docker image from Docker Hub.

    docker pull dorajistyle/flask-canjs-i18n-boilerplate
  3. Run Docker image.

    $ docker run -d -p 5544:5000 dorajistyle/flask-canjs-i18n-boilerplate
  4. Enter into your web browser's addreess bar.

Install without docker.

Install tools

  • virtualenv, It is a tool to create isolated Python environments.
  • virtualenvwrapper, It' provides a set of commands which makes working with virtual environments much more pleasant.

Clone the project

$ git clone
$ cd flask-canjs-i18n-boilerplate

Create virtualenv for the project

$ mkvirtualenv flask-canjs-i18n-boilerplate

Install libraries

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Migrate database

$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Alembic initilized boilerplate tables."
$ alembic upgrade head

Add administrator user

You can login with '[email protected]' and 'password'.

$ python init_user


You should set values properly.(database, mail, social providers...)
  • application/ contain server side settings.
  • application/frontend/static/js/settings.js contain client side settings.
  • ./alembic.ini contain alembic settings.


  • Server side translations(Babel) in applications/frontend/translations
  • Client side translations(i18next) in applications/frontend/static/locales
Babel translations compile
$ python


Run the application

$ python

Generate documents

$ python

Optimize static folder

You should install Nodejs and RequireJS. If you want detail document, Click RequireJS Optimizer.


update platform

$ python

Generate documents

$ python


$ python

Refresh database (drop/create table and insert test data)

$ python

Refresh Views to see mustache template changes.

You should install nodeJS npm and grunt first.

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

And then you should install npm modules into ./application/frontend/views

$ npm install can-compile --save-dev
$ npm install grunt-shell --save-dev
$ npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev
$ npm install time-grunt --save-dev

Or just run script below.

$ python

And finally run below.

$ python

If you want to watch mustache files and refresh views automatically, run below.

$ python


Flask-canjs-i18n-boilerplate is under the MIT license.


It's a simple multilingual application boilerplate for developer who interested in Canjs and Flask combination.






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