MESSI (Mixture of Experts for Spatial Signaling genes Identification) is a predictive framework to identify signaling genes active in cell-cell interaction. It jointly models gene interactions within and between cells, using the recently developed spatial single cell expression data. MESSI combines the ability to subdivide cell types with multi-task learning to accurately infer the expression of a set of response genes based on signaling genes and to provide useful biological insights about key signaling genes and cell subtypes.
- Python >= 3.6
- Python side-packages:
-- scikit-learn >= 0.22.1
-- scipy >= 1.3.0
-- numpy >= 1.16.3
-- pandas >= 0.25.3
It is recommended to use a virtural environment/pacakges manager such as Anaconda. After successfully installing Anaconda/Miniconda, create an environment by following:
conda create -n myenv python=3.6
You can then install and run the package in the virtual environment. Activate the virtural environment by:
conda activate myenv
Make sure you have pip installed in your environment. You may check by
conda list
If not installed, then:
conda install pip
Then install MESSI, together with all its dependencies by:
pip install --upgrade
If you prefer not to use a virtual envrionment, then you may install MESSI and its dependencies by (may need to use sudo):
pip3 install --upgrade
You may find where the package is installed by:
pip show messi
In terminal, type (arguments are taken for example): -i ../input/ -d merfish
The usage of this script is listed as follows:
usage: [-h] -i INPUT -d DATATYPE
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
string, path to the folder to save the expression
data, default 'input/'
string, type of expression data, default 'merfish'
Run MESSI by (arguments are taken for example):
messi -i ../input/ -o ../output/ -d merfish -g Female -b Parenting -c Excitatory -m train -c1 1 -c2 8 -e 5
The usage of this file is listed as follows:
usage: messi [-h] -i INPUT [-ilr INPUT_LR] -o OUTPUT -d
{merfish,merfish_cell_line,starmap} -g GENDER -b BEHAVIOR -c
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
string, path to the input folder with the expression
data, default 'input/'
-ilr INPUT_LR, --input_lr INPUT_LR
string, optional, path to the input folder with the
ligands and receptors list, default 'input/'
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
string, path to the output folder, default 'output/'
-d {merfish,merfish_cell_line,starmap}, --dataType {merfish,merfish_cell_line,starmap}
string, type of expression data, 'merfish' for MERFISH
hypothalamus data, 'merfish_cell_line' for MERFISH U-2
OS cells, 'starmap' for 'STARmap mPFC cells';default
-g GENDER, --gender GENDER
string, gender of input animal sample, default
'Female', put 'na' if not available
-b BEHAVIOR, --behavior BEHAVIOR
string, behavior of input animal sample, default
'Naive', put 'na' if not available
string, cell type that will be built a model for, use
\ for white-space, e.g. 'OD\ Mature\ 2', default
-m MODE, --mode MODE string, any of 'train', 'CV'; if 'train', then all
data will be used for training and output a pickle
file for learned parameters; if 'CV', then cross-
validation will be conducted each time with an
animal/sample left out and each CV run output a pickle
file and prediction result, default 'train'
-c1 NUMLEVEL1, --numLevel1 NUMLEVEL1
integer, optional, number of classes at level 1,
number of experts = number of classes at level 1 x
number of classes at level 2, default 1
-c2 NUMLEVEL2, --numLevel2 NUMLEVEL2
integer, optional, number of classes at level 2,
default 5
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
integer, optional, number of epochs to train MESSI,
default 20
-gs GRID_SEARCH, --grid_search GRID_SEARCH
boolean, optional, if conduct grid search for hyper-
parameters, default False
-ns N_SETS, --n_sets N_SETS
integer, optional, number of CV sets for grid search,
default 3
integer, optional, number of times to run with same
set of parameters, default 1
string, optional, the way to include neighborhood
information; neighbor_cat: include by concatenating
them to the cell own features; neighbor_sum: include
by addinding to the cell own features; anything
without 'neighbor': no neighborhood information will
be used as features; 'baseline': only baseline
features; default 'neighbor_cat'
integer, optional, number of top dispersed responses
genes to model,default None (to include all response
integer, optional, number of top dispersed signalling
genes to use as features, default None (to include all
signalling genes)
See tutorials/MESSI for MERFISH hypothalamus, for a detailed intro on how to
- Train and test a MESSI model
- Analyze the model parameters to infer cell subtypes differ in signaling genes
- Train and test the data with other model configurations
We also prepared tutorials/results reprudction to reproduce MESSI's results shown in our manuscript.
- 2-20-2022:
-- Uploaded the jupyter notebook for reproducing MESSI's results shown in the manuscript
Check our paper published in Bioinformatics for more information. The pre-print version is available at biorxiv.
The software is an implementation of the method MESSI, jointly developed by Dongshunyi "Dora" Li, Jun Ding and Ziv Bar-Joseph from System Biology Group @ Carnegie Mellon University.
- dongshul at
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details