After tests have run shows output by default only when tests fail and only lists the failed tests
Usage: swift package plugin spm-test-beautified <flags>
--help, --h --show-all Shows tests including succeeded --json Output in pretty printed json --exclude A space separated list of test function names to be excluded from tests
In swift package add dependency
.package(url: "", from: "<#version#>"),
To exclude some test in this project try running
swift package plugin spm-test-beautified --exclude testBar testExtended testFail
Which should show succeeded
swift package plugin spm-test-beautified --exclude testBar
would show
Starting tests for swift-plugin-spm-test-beautified
Will exclude tests with name
‣ testBar
Building before testing [SPMTestBeautifiedTests, FooLib] ...
✅ Did build [SPMTestBeautifiedTests, FooLib]
Start testing ...
Compiling plugin SPMTestBeautified...
Building for debugging...
Build complete! (0.07s)
▿ TestResult
- succeeded: false
▿ testTargets: 1 element
▿ TestTarget
- name: "SPMTestBeautifiedTests"
▿ testCases: 1 element
▿ TestCase
- name: "SPMTestBeautifiedTests.SPMTestBeautifiedTests"
▿ tests: 2 elements
▿ Test
- name: "testExtended"
- result: ❌
- duration: 0.077
▿ Test
- name: "testFail"
- result: ❌
- duration: 0.073
- codeCoverageDataFile: nil
error: failedTests