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👤 Test accounts

Since this is a demo version of the project, here are some helpful accounts you can use to test features that are only available to high hierarchy users (like administrators, moderators, etc):


Email: [email protected]
Password: admin


Email: [email protected]
Password: mod

You can login with one of these accounts here:

🚀 Setup

💡 To install the required dependencies, you'll need to have Composer installed in your machine.

To install the project dependencies, enter the src/ folder of your project using the Terminal/CMD and type the following command:

composer install

It's important to notice that it's necessary that you have some server capable of executing php scripts and running a MySQL or MariaDB database. You can use XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, MAMP or any other server of your choice.

🔛 Initializing the project


All the database tables and required data are located in the file humbleprice.sql. You can either copy the whole content of the file and paste it in your favorite database administration tool (phpMyAdmin, Sequel Pro, MySQL Workbench, etc) or execute the queries using the command-line.

In case you are importing the humbleprice.sql file directly in phpMyAdmin or in another database administration tool, make sure to create a database named Humbleprice first.


In order to config your environment to run the application, you have to change the global config variables located at config/config.php.

You can also switch environments between development and production at config/environment.php


The DIRPAGE variable should contain the URL of your website. You should replace humbleprice with your actual folder name.


You can customize the path to public assets. Here's a list of them:

  • DIRIMG: Image assets (.webp, .jpg, .png, etc)
  • DIRCSS: CSS and other stylesheets
  • DIRJS: JavaScript and jQuery related files
  • DIRVID: Video assets (.mp4, .wmv, etc)
  • DIRAUD: Audio assets (.mp3, .ogg, etc)
  • DIRFONT: Fonts used in your project
  • DIRDESIGN: Design files

Database credentials

Configure dbname, host, dbuser and dbpass to fit your project and database needs.

The default dbuser and dbpass are root and an empty password (respectively), but it may change based on your installation and in what you are using (XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, MAMP, etc).

📁 Directory Structure

This project makes use of the MVC architecture. It's recommended to get familiar with this concept before proceeding to use or modify this project.


The app directory contains the core code of your application. There you can find the project Dispatcher, Controllers, Models and Views, which are the base structure of a MVC project.

  • Controllers: Controllers can group related request handling logic into a single class. For example, a UserController class might handle all incoming requests related to users, including showing, creating, updating, and deleting users.

  • Core: These are the core classes of the application. It includes a base Controller (which every Controller must extend), an Authorization class that may or may not be extended by a Controller, a Render class responsible for rendering views and a Table class responsible for defining the base structure of a Model.

  • Models: The model component stores data and its related logic. It represents data that is being transferred between controller components or any other related business logic. For example, a Controller object will retrieve the customer information from the database. It manipulates data and send back to the database or use it to render the same data. All models must call the parent::__construct() and have a table associated with it by overwriting the $table property.

  • Views: A View is the part of the application that represents the presentation of data. A view may have a main content (represented by main.php), additional footer information for a specific page (repesented by footer.php) and/or additional head information (represented by head.php). All the information of how it's done can be found in the app/Core/Render.php file. Every View needs to be a folder with just one or even all these three files. The Layout used by all the views is located at app/Views/Layout.php.

  • Dispatch: The Dispatch file is responsible for bootstraping the application.

  • Helpers: These are some helpful (duh) functions used throughout the entire project. This file is autoloaded using Composer.


These are the project configuration files. You can find instructions on how to use then here.


Here are located all the public assets of your project.


This is where your Classes, Traits, Interfaces and Partials must be. This is also the place where your Composer dependencies will be located (after you run composer install, a vendor folder will be created).

🗺️ Routing

The routes are based on the Controller name and method. If you have a controller named OfferController, for example, and you want to edit an offer, the route would be (with "child-of-light" being a parameter). If you want to use it as an example to learn more, these controller and method actually exists and can be found at app/Controllers/OfferController.php@edit. The default controller method/action is index.

All the routing logic is located at the app/Dispatch.php file.

📬 License

Feel free to use, test and collaborate. The more contributors, the better.