Integrates LibreOffice's Spell Checker ability into Scite4AutoIt. Allowing for single word Spell Checking, or whole script misspell marking of Strings and Comments.
This SpellChecker requires the following to function:
- Full installation of Scite4AutoIt
- LibreOffice (Installed version only, portable will not work.)
- Desired Spell Checking language installed in Libre Office.
To "Install" this AddOn for Scite4AutoIt, do the following.
Navigate to %LocalAppData%\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE
(You can copy and paste the above into Start search box and push enter) -
Copy the "Scite4AutoIt_LO_SpellChecker" folder into this directory.
Do one of the following, depending on if you already have custom lua scripts present in PersonalTools.lua or not.
- If you do not have custom scripts present in PersonalTools.lua,
- find in this directory the file PersonalTools.lua, and rename it to PersonalTools.lua.old
- Copy the PersonalTools.lua file from the Add-On folder to the %LocalAppData%\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE directory.
- If you do have custom scripts present in PersonalTools.lua,
Open the PersonalTools.lua file in the Add-On folder and copy everything in the file below the following entry,
Paste the contents into the end of the PersonalTools.lua file found in the %LocalAppData%\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE directory.
- If you do not have custom scripts present in PersonalTools.lua,
Open your file, go to Scite editor and Select "Options" in the toolbar, Select "Open User Options File".
Copy and paste the following (without the "-") into the File. (If you have previous custom Lua Scripts, you may need to modify the command numbering.)
- #~ Single Word Spell-Check lua Script
-$(au3)=Sp-Check Current Word
- command.mode.45.$(au3)=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no
- command.shortcut.45.$(au3)=Ctrl+Shift+F
- command.45.$(au3)=InvokeTool PersonalTools.SingleWordCheck
- #~
- #~ Entire Script Spell-Check lua Script
-$(au3)=Sp-Check Entire Script
- command.mode.46.$(au3)=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no
- command.shortcut.46.$(au3)=Ctrl+Shift+G
- command.46.$(au3)=InvokeTool PersonalTools.CheckScript
- #~
- #~ Clear Spell Checking Marking lua Script
-$(au3)=Sp-Check Clear
- command.mode.47.$(au3)=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no
- command.shortcut.47.$(au3)=Ctrl+Shift+H
- command.47.$(au3)=InvokeTool PersonalTools.ClearSpChk
- #~
You may modify any Shortcut key combinations as necessary.
Restart Scite
You can add words to ignore in the file "Scite4AutoIt_LO_IgnoredWords.ini" that you placed in "%LocalAppData%\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\Scite4AutoIt_LO_SpellChecker".
ONLY one word per line.
No lone punctuation characters.
Words are Case Sensitive.
- You may set the following properties by pasting the property values in your "User Options" File (from Scite's toolbar go to, Options->Open User Options File), and modifying the value after "="
Language must be a LOWER CASE two or three character ISO 639 Language Code. You can find a list of these codes online, such as
Country must be a UPPER CASE two character ISO 3166 Country Code. You can find a list of these codes online, such as
YOU MUST HAVE THE desired Language installed in Libre Office already for this to work.
Default is Language: en, Country: US
Also accepts multiple value pairs separated by a semicolon, such as:
S4A.SpellCheck.Country=US;PL -
Pairs must be equal between Language and Country. And each column must be a valid Language and Country pair. i.e. en US, pl PL.
The first language/country pair listed is considered your primary language and any words will be checked by it first.
- Modify the misspelled word highlighting. Must be 8 characters long, and contain only a-f, x, and 0-9 and begin with 0x.
- Highlighting color code is Hex color code of B(lue) G(reen) R(ed) (Not RGB). One way you can obtain this value is by using the value given from the example script provided with AutoIt function _ChooseColor, and selecting the BGR button.
- Default is 0xFF00FF
- Set the maximum words returned per language/country pairs.
- Must contain only digits, and be greater than 0.
- Default is 10.
- Set to "n" (no quotes) to skip adding a marker in the left hand margin of Scite on each line containing a spelling error.
This function uses the following Styles for Scite functions.
- UserList Type: 18
- Indicator Style: 10
- Marker Number: 18
Please see the Changelog
Distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for more information.
- Opportunity by GitHub
- Scripting ability by AutoIt
- Thanks to the authors of the Third-Party UDFs:
- OpenOffice/LibreOffice Spell Checker by @GMK, @mLipok. OpenOffice/LibreOffice Spell Checker