This little react app is a functioning clone from the popular minesweeper game, styled like it is 1999.
This project is dedicated to my father, who's supportive of my career change. I vividly remembering him confessing to me once when I was staying over, that he sometimes really enjoys playing minesweeper in his home office.
So here you go, Pops, a retro Minesweeper clone for you to play on your smartphone.
- React Hooks (& Router)
- Typescript Enum types & Interfaces
- SASS/SCSS mixins & variables
- CSS Grid, Flexbox
ReactJS, TypeScript, JSX, NodeJS, SASS
VSCode, EsLint, Prettier, Git, Chrome DevTools
Find a demo of the app
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.
My appreciation goes out to Justin Kim for the inspiration and guidance he provided.