Easily create a webpage with your organization's open source projects
is a Clojure(Script) project that allows you to quickly bootstrap a website with your organization's open source projects.
It generates a prerendered static website with all the repository information, as well as fetching the latest data and updating
itself when the user visits the page.
First and foremost, ensure you have Leiningen and Sass installed.
Clone this repository to a local directory (my-org
in our example):
$ git clone https://github.com/47deg/org.git my-org
$ cd my-org
You'll want to configure the repo to point at your organization repo:
$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin https://github.com/my-org/my-org.github.io.git
Since organization pages must be the content of the master
branch, you may want to create another
branch for hosting the "raw" website:
$ git checkout -b raw
$ git push -u origin raw
For creating your own site you simple have to provide a configuration file under resources/config.edn
. The file uses edn syntax
and its pretty straightforward, here is an example with the defaults:
{:organization "47deg"
:logo {:src "img/logo.png"
:href "http://47deg.com"}
:links [{:text "Blog" :href "http://47deg.com/blog"}
{:text "Contact" :href "mailto:[email protected]"}]
:social {:twitter "47deg"
:facebook "47degreesLLC"}
:languages #{"Scala" "Clojure" "Java" "Swift"}
:included-projects #{"macroid"
:project-logos {"fetch" "https://rawgit.com/47deg/microsites/cdn//fetch/navbar_brand.png"
"mvessel" "https://rawgit.com/47deg/microsites/cdn//mvessel/navbar_brand.png"
"github4s" "https://rawgit.com/47deg/microsites/cdn//github4s/navbar_brand.png"
"scalacheck-datetime" "https://rawgit.com/47deg/microsites/cdn//scalacheck-datetime/navbar_brand.png"}
:token "a-github-token"
:analytics "a-google-analytics-token"
:footer {:acknowledgment true}
:style {:primary-color "#F44336"
:header {:background "linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(30, 39, 53, 0.88), rgba(30, 39, 53, 0.88)), url(\"../img/header-background.jpg\") no-repeat center center"}
:font {:url "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,600,700|Poppins:300,400"
:base "'Open sans', sans-serif"
:headings "'Poppins', sans-serif"
:sizes {:light 300
:regular 400
:semi-bold 600
:bold 700}}}}
Let's break it down:
is the name of your org in GitHub:organization-name
is the human-readable name of your org.:organization
will be used if not provided.:logo
is a map with the source URL (:src
) of your org logo and where it should link to (:href
), optionally with the styles for theimg
tag (:style
is a vector with maps that containt link text (:text
) and href (:href
is a map for specifying the handles in different social networks
contains your organization's Twitter handle (without the @):facebook
contains your organization's Facebook handle:linkedin
contains your LinkedIn handle
is the set with the languages you are interested in filtering by:included-projects
is the set with the projects you are interested in having on the site:extra-repos
allows you to add extra repos out of the org (maps with:user
is a map from project names to the URL where their logo can be found, libraries without logos will show a placeholder:token
is a string containing the GitHub token required to use the GitHub API:style
is a map with style configuration
sets the primary color of the webpage:header
controls the styles of the header, only:background
is supported for now:font
configures different CSS font settings such as the URL and the heading or base typographies
is for settings related to the footer
is a boolean flag for toggling the "by 47 Degrees" acknowledgment in the footer
is an optional string containing a Google analytics token
After editing the configuration, you can preview the site by running
$ lein figwheel
and pointing your browser to localhost:3449.
You can create the static site under the docs
directory by running:
$ lein run
After that, you may want to publish the docs
directory to a branch so its served by GitHub.
Assuming you want to push the docs
directory as the content of the master
branch, you can do:
git subtree push --prefix docs origin master
Congratulations, you just built your organization's open source project site!
For compiling the SASS styles into CSS, run the following command at the root of the directory:
sass sass/style.scss:resources/public/style.css
If you want sass to be automatically recompiled when modifying .scss files add the --watch
sass --watch sass/style.scss:resources/public/style.css
Copyright © 2014 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.