FilamentExtendedStarterKit is a Filament distribution with lots of basic utilities and goodies pre-installed.
composer create-project --prefer-dist rgasch/filament-extended-starter-kit FilamentStarterKit
Install dependencies
composer update
Run migrations
php artisan migrate
Create the first/admin user:
php artisan make:filament-user
Init FilamentShield
php artisan shield:install
For the FilamentShield install, answer "yes" to all questions it asks.
In theory, that should be it. You can now go to /admin on your site and you should see the filament login screen. Log in with the user you created in step #4 above.
- Addons
- Breezy
- Components
- EmailLog
- EnvironmentIndicator
- Flatpickr
- Flowframe
- FormBuilder
- Fortify
- FullCalendar
- Gravatar
- LanguageSwitch
- LogManager
- Menus
- Notifications
- Profile
- RatingField
- Sitemap
- SpatieHealth
- SpatieSettings
- SpatieTags
- StaticAssets
- StaticChartWidgets
- TableBuilder
- TallInteractive
- Themes
- User
All relevant migrations, assets and config files have been published to the main Laravel directory tree to the locations where you would expect them. If a package (such as, for exmaple, the Spatie packages) is based upon another package, the base package migrations and config files have been published as well.
Some of the above packages are self-explanatory (ie: you'll see them in the admin GUI) while others are development components which require some knowledge of the component for it to be used. Take a look a the component pages, some have docs on the component page, others on their github repo (linked from the component page).
In order to achieve better menu item grouping, the admin menu is generated by the App\Providers\FilamentServiceProvider class. You can disable the use of this functionality (which will enable the default Filament menu generation) by setting the useCustomMenuGenerator config option to false in the /config/filament-extended-starter-kit.php config file.