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PKI 10.5 Installing KRA Clone with HSM
PKI KRA with HSM can be cloned into a separate instance sharing the same HSM.
Since the certificates and the keys are stored in HSM, it’s not necessary to export them into a PKCS #12 file.
This document assumes that the KRA instance with HSM to be cloned has been created.
Prepare a deployment configuration file (e.g. kra-hsm-clone.cfg
). For nFast add the following parameters:
[DEFAULT] pki_hsm_enable=True pki_hsm_libfile=/opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/libcknfast.so pki_hsm_modulename=nfast pki_token_name=HSM pki_token_password=Secret.123
For Luna SA add the following parameters:
[DEFAULT] pki_hsm_enable=True pki_hsm_libfile=/usr/safenet/lunaclient/lib/libCryptoki2_64.so pki_hsm_modulename=lunasa pki_token_name=HSM pki_token_password=Secret.123
By default the server will generate a random password for the internal NSS database. If necesssary (e.g. in FIPS mode) a specific password can be specified with the following parameter:
Then specify the normal KRA configuration parameters:
[KRA] pki_admin_cert_file=ca_admin.cert [email protected] pki_admin_name=kraadmin pki_admin_nickname=kraadmin pki_admin_password=Secret.123 pki_admin_uid=kraadmin pki_client_database_password=Secret.123 pki_client_database_purge=False pki_client_pkcs12_password=Secret.123 pki_ds_base_dn=dc=kra,dc=pki,dc=example,dc=com pki_ds_database=kra pki_ds_password=Secret.123 pki_security_domain_name=EXAMPLE pki_security_domain_user=caadmin pki_security_domain_password=Secret.123 pki_clone=True pki_clone_replicate_schema=True pki_clone_uri=https://master.example.com:8443
Specify the same certificates nicknames as in other replicas, for example:
pki_storage_nickname=kra_storage pki_transport_nickname=kra_transport pki_audit_signing_nickname=kra_audit_signing pki_sslserver_nickname=sslserver pki_subsystem_nickname=subsystem
Specify a unique SSL server certificate nickname to avoid conflicts with other replicas, for example:
To begin the installation, execute the following command:
$ pkispawn -v -f kra-hsm-clone.cfg -s KRA
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