注: 我在 Weexpack 分支下实现了用WeexPack进行打包的配置
- 2016-10-31 修复h5里tab和navigator路径错误问题,增加了weexone脚本
- 2016-10-30 修复了h5下相对路径取值错误问题
- 2016-10-26 更新了Android端离线方式,解决了相对路径的问题
- 2016-10-10 更新了WeexOne的编译运行方式
- 2016-09-22 更新了WeexOne 兼容了新版本的Weex,还需要解决UI错乱的问题
npm install
npm run buld
: build all we file into dist/* foldernpm run dev
: watch file changes of src and automatically build into dist/npm run serve
: perview in html5 render through :http://localhost:12580
:build all we file into dist/* folder,and start default server with 12580 portweexone android
build we file into dist/* and copy all dist into android assets/dist folder
then build android
install apk to device
run weex playground
- open weex playground app
- open qrcode scan ,scan
http://your weex server ip/dist/main.js
端午的时候收到了Weex团队发的一个Weex Workshop的邮件,然后就利用这两天使用Weex做了一款[one 一个]的客户端。源代码在:https://github.com/dodola/WeexOne