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Local testing of puppet manifests using Vagrant

This repository contains scripts together with basic Packer templates for generating Vagrant boxes, that can be used for local puppet testing.

These boxes are available on Hashicorp's Vagrant cloud for use with Vagrant.


The generated boxes have the following features:

  • Install puppet modules using r10k
  • Install puppet modules from a private git repository
  • Run puppet apply
  • Use hiera


These boxes run under vagrant using the VirtualBox provider, so you'll need to have both things installed.

Once ready, create an empty directory somewhere and run the following command:

vagrant init dodevops/puppetdev-CONFIGURATION

Where "CONFIGURATION" should be replaced with one of the following:

CONFIGURATION Distribution Version Puppet-Release
debian Debian 8.6 3
debianpuppet4 Debian 8.6 4
ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04 3
ubuntupuppet4 Ubuntu 14.04 4
ubuntu16.04 Ubuntu 16.04 3
ubuntu16.04puppet4 Ubuntu 16.04 4

For example, to install Ubuntu 16.04 with Puppet4, you would use:

vagrant init dodevops/puppetdev-ubuntu16.04puppet4

Afterwards, vagrant up will start your virtual machine, but first, read on...


To use puppet, create a "puppet" subdirectory where your Vagrantfile lies.

Inside, create a "site.pp" file. This file will be run by puppet apply during the provisioning process.

You can also use a different manifest file name, provide custom facts and specify puppet apply arguments. See Overriding configuration below for details.


You can create a Puppetfile in the puppet subdirectory and place modules there, that r10k will install. (Using r10k puppetfile install)

To support private repositories when using r10k, you'll have to put two files in the directory where your Vagrantfile is: One file named "r10k.provision" holding a SSH private key, that is used when connecting to your private repositories and a file named "" with the host name of your private repository host.


Create a subdirectory "hieradata" and place hiera yaml files there.

Look under vagrant.includes/hiera.yaml or hiera5.yaml (for puppet 4) for the default hiera configuration.

Overriding configuration

You can override certain configuration by placing a config.yaml where your Vagrantfile is. Look in vagrant.includes/config.dist.yaml for the keys you can override there.

Also, you can place a hiera.yaml where your Vagrantfile is to alter the used hiera configuration. Use vagrant.includes/hiera.yaml or hiera5.yaml (for puppet 4) as a template.



To build our custom boxes, we're using the following things:

  • vars/*.json: Additional variable files provided to packer
  • scripts/*.sh: Additional scripts, that are run in the provisioning phase
  • vagrantfiles/Vagrantfile*: Vagrantfile templates (this is basically, where our magic happens later on)
  • vagrant.includes/*: Additional files packed together with the boxes

Because we're using the excellent Packer templates by boxcutter as a base for our templates (base.debian and base.ubuntu), we needed to make changes to their templates to allow this.

For this we're using a Grunt-based building process, that applies jsonpatch-files (in the directory patches/)

Local additions

You can also extend our additions and provide additional files and variables.

Including variable files

To override any variables, you have to create variable files in local/vars. Afterwards, create a file named "vars.json" in local/*

Here you can specify, which machine type gets which variable files:

  "ubuntu": ["customvar1.json"],
  "*": ["customvar2.json"]

The wildcard "*" will add the custom var file to all machine types.

Enabling r10k custom host feature from within the box

If you'd like to use custom puppet modules in a private git-repository and don't want the user to supply the public key beside the Vagrantfile, you have to do two things:

Create an SSH private key named "r10k.provision" and place it under local/files. Give this private key access to all module repositories you require. After that, define two keys using the local variable feature (see above):

  • feature_r10k_custom: Set this to true to enable this feature
  • r10k_custom_host: The hostname of the git repository. This will be used to configure an SSH-connection inside the virtual machine. The connection will use the provided key and ignore the host key to avoid problems running r10k automatically.


Initialize the submodules

To fetch the external repositories by boxcutter, run these two commands:

git submodule update --init 

Building process

To build, you first need to install grunt-cli and the needed modules:

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install

Tests are done using serverspec, which runs on ruby and needs some gems:

gem install bundler
bundle install

Then, simply run grunt with the desired target machine:

grunt ubuntu

This will build the ubuntu version of the machine and run the testsuite against it.


The tests are done using Serverspec.

The testing process injects the generated box into the vagrant box cache and fires up a vagrant machine in test/. This machine starts up and applies some changes using puppet.

Afterwards, the spec files (test/*_spec.rb) are applied and everything is cleaned up again.