SDN Mesh based on WireGuard, VxLan, Babel and MQTT
- MQTT is used to orchestrate the nodes (Nodes to Orchestrator communications).
- WireGuard is used to create a secure mesh.
- VxLan provides a "normal" interface on top of WireGuard.
- Babel routes local subnets between nodes.
- All Bridges with IPs are redistributed as subnets at the moment.
- Including Docker subnets (Won't work if they are the same on all nodes). To change:
nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
"bip": "172.xx.0.1/16"
systemctl restart docker
Tested only on 18.04
Tested on Raspberry Pi following this guide
The Clients/Nodes require:
add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard -y
apt update && sudo apt -y install wireguard mosquitto-clients babeld
The Server/Orchestrator only requires (Can be one of the Nodes):
sudo apt -y install mosquitto-clients
Optional, your own MQTT Broker.
This works for example:
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --name eclipse-mosquitto -p 1883:1883 -p 9001:9001 eclipse-mosquitto
On Nodes and Orchestrator run:
curl --output routwire && chmod +x routwire
nano routwire
Run the Orchestrator (Can be one of the Nodes):
./routwire server
Run the Nodes:
sudo ./routwire client
To tell the other Nodes to remove this Peer and do some cleanup, run:
sudo ./routwire stop
on the Node that is being removed from the mesh.