This application is a randomizer for Thunderstone Quest. You can use it to generate randomized tableaus for playing the game in competitive mode.
This app uses source_gen
to process
the SettingsModel
implementation. Before the rest of the application can
be built, build_runner
has to be invoked. This is done with the command:
dart run build_runner build
That can be invoked in VSCode via Ctrl-Shift-B.
Using the watch
command instead will start a process that rebuilds on
changes, as in:
dart run build_runner watch
is configured so that the build_runner
watcher will start when the folder opens. However, each VSCode instance needs
to be configured to allow this to happen. Do this through the command palette
(Ctrl-Shift-P) and running "Tasks: Configure Automatic Tasks in Folder",
which will give an option to enable to tasks.
The cards.yml
file can be localized into different languages.
See that files for translation instructions. To enable a language in the settings
page, add (or uncomment) an appropriate line in the definition of _supportedLanguages
in settings.dart
The rest of the app also supports localization using the Intl package
as described in the docs. A new language could
be added by creating a new .arb
for the given language (e.g. app_fr.erb
In 2019, I created TSQR, which is another randomizer for Thunderstone Quest. It was created using a different technology stack I was investigating at the time. The original TSQR is still available online, if you prefer to use it.
In Summer 2020, I decided to learn Flutter with an eye toward using it in a Fall 2020 course. I was inspired by the release of the New Horizons set to revisit the problem domain with a new technology stack. I was able to add Quests 8–9 to TSQR without too much difficulty except that my original randomizer contained assumptions that prevented the inclusion of the new Ally cards—at least, without requiring a significant reimplementation effort. Hence, I decided to spend some time getting deeper into Flutter, and the result is this application.
- Multiple Dice Icon
- Cormorant and CormorantSC, used under OFL
Thunderstone Quest is a property of Alderac Entertainment Group.
Thanks to Alex for his invaluable assistance with encoding the card data.
©2020–2024 Paul Gestwicki
This application is licensed under GNU GPL v3.