- molecule_test_mysql_replication
- Table of contents
- Description
- Disclaimer
- Mysql root password
- Automated build
- Building the image
- Running a container
- Contributing
- Licence
A systemd enabled ubuntu image with mysql installed to test ansible role/collection for replication/switching using molecule
TL;DR: /!\ Do not run this image on production /!\ (you've been warned)
This image has systemd enabled (requiring a few specific volumes) and contains a mysql server with a dummy root password. As such it is only intended for automated tests (with original focus on ansible molecule tests) and must not be run on production environments (you've been warned twice).
The password set for root mysql user at install time is test
. This can be overidden
building the image locally by passing --build-arg MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword
to the docker build
This image can be built on dockerhub and will take advantage of the dockerhub build hook to adapt the image content based on the target tag (5 or 8)
- A functional and fairly recent docker engine
- Buildkit enabled for docker builds
Variable | Default | Desription |
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD | test | Initial mysql root password for the installed db server |
mysql_version | 8 | Mysql version to install. Allowed values: 5 -> latest 5.7 version, 8 -> latest 8.0 version |
mysql_apt_config_version | 0.8.12-1_all | Version of the mysql-apt-config package to install |
download_dir | /tmp | Path to the internal image directoy where to download mysql-apt-config package |
download_base_url | https://dev.mysql.com/get/ | Base url where to download the mysql-apt-config package |
export mysql_version=5
docker build --build-arg mysql_version="${mysql_version}" -t "my_local_img:${mysql_version}" .
This image has systemd enabled and requires running in privileged mode with a number of default mounts
Example run command:
export mysql_version=8
docker run -d --name "test_molecule_mysql${mysql_version}" --privileged \
-v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
--tmpfs /tmp --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock
If you intend to contribute to this git repository, make sure you install the distributed
local hooks for git and the required dependencies. At time of this writting there is a single
hook which will run basic checks and update the README.md toc if needed
- github markdonw toc. This is used to automatically
generate the
table of content whenever its content is changed.
right after cloning the repo, run
git config core.hooksPath .githooks