updated to ruff==0.4.2 (from ruff==0.2.1)
updated to pyright==1.1.360 (from pyright==1.1.350)
updated to sourcery==1.16 (from sourcery==1.15)
updated to lxml>=5.2 (from lxml>=5.1)
updated to types-lxml>=2024.4 (from types-lxml>=5.1)
updated to pytest>=8.2 (from pytest>=7.4)
updated to pytest-cov>=5.0 (from pytest-cov>=4.1)
updated to Sphinx>=7.3 (from Sphinx>=7.2)
updated to sphinx-argparse-cli>=1.15 (from sphinx-argparse-cli>=1.11)
updated to myst-parser>=3.0 (from myst-parser>=2.0)
updated to furo>=2024.4 (from furo>=2023.9.10)
updated to numpy>=1.26,<2.0 (from numpy>=1.26)
updated to matplotlib>=3.9 (from matplotlib>=3.8)
updated to dictIO>=0.3.4 (from dictIO>=0.3.1)
removed black
replaced black formatter with ruff formatter
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Updated copyright statement
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