TR: sitesinde yer alan fonların fiyat ve getirileri için çizim programı
ENG: A script that provides plotting functions for prices and yields of funds in
- Make sure python, pip, and git is installed. (tr. python, pip ve git uygulamaları kurulu değilse kurun)
- Execute following commands in console. (tr. konsolda aşağıdaki komutları çalıştırın)
git clone
cd fund_analyser
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
- As a command line script (tr. konsol uygulaması olarak)
usage: fund_analyser plot [-h] [-t [TICKERS [TICKERS ...]]] (-m MONTHS | -d DAYS | -w WEEKS | -y YEARS) funds [funds ...]
usage: fund_analyser table [-h] [-t [TICKERS [TICKERS ...]]] (-m MONTHS | -d DAYS | -w WEEKS | -y YEARS) funds [funds ...]
usage: fund_analyser hist [-h] [-t [TICKERS [TICKERS ...]]] (-m MONTHS | -d DAYS | -w WEEKS | -y YEARS) funds [funds ...]
positional arguments:
funds Takas codes of funds
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t [TICKERS [TICKERS ...]], --tickers [TICKERS [TICKERS ...]]
Symbol of tickers (Yahoo! Finance)
-m MONTHS, --months MONTHS
-d DAYS, --days DAYS
-w WEEKS, --weeks WEEKS
-y YEARS, --years YEARS
- As a library (tr. yazılım kütüphanesi olarak)
from fund_analyser import FundAnalyser
a = FundAnalyser()
a.plot('AAA').weeks(1) # plots last weeks performance of the fund
a.plot('BBB', 'CCC').months(2) # plots multiple funds
a.plot('DDD', tickers=['USDTRY=X']).years(3) # plots a ticker with fund
a.table('GGG', tickers=['USDTRY=X']).months(1) # prints table of prices and yields to console
a.hist('HHH', 'III', tickers=['^IXIC']).days(30) # creates bar graph of overall return in given interval
# You can also get raw data
my_data ='VVV', 'YYY', 'ZZZ', tickers=['USDTRY=X']).years(5)
Copyright (c) M. Deniz Kızılırmak. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT license.