This yii2 module provide a ck editor plugin for getting dmstr/yii2-filemanager-widgets as filebrowser in ckeditor.
The main ideas behind this module is:
- if we have a filefly module we should be able to use filemanagerWidget as fileBrowser from within ckeditor instances
- for this we need:
- an url (controller/action) that could be used as filebrowser URL
- a filemanagerWidget (with custom options) which will be displayed when this url is called
- a JS callback that can be triggered for one item (image or file) from within filemanager
- configurable JS snippets to be able to define which item property should be used as URL
required config examples to enable an existing filemanager via this module as filebrowser plugin in ckEditor
enable the filefly module
'modules' => [
# ....
'filefly' => [
'filesystemComponents' => [
'ftp' => 'fsFtp',
// define correct image and file(download) urls for images and files for your use cases
'urlCallback' => function($item) {
$urls = [];
$isImageFileExtList = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'tiff', 'tif', 'png', 'bmp'] ;
if ($item['type'] === 'file') {
if (in_array(strtolower($item['extension']), $isImageFileExtList)) {
$urls['image small'] = FrontendHelper::getFileFlyPath($item['path'], ImagePresets::MEDIA_CONTENT_S);
$urls['image content'] = FrontendHelper::getFileFlyPath($item['path'], ImagePresets::MEDIA_CONTENT);
$urls['image big'] = FrontendHelper::getFileFlyPath($item['path'], ImagePresets::MEDIA_CONTENT_BIG);
else {
$urls['download'] = FrontendHelper::getFileFlyPath($item['path'], ImagePresets::MEDIA_RAW);
return $urls;
enable the yii2-filemanager-ck-browser module
'modules' => [
# ....
'filefly-ck-browser' => [
'class' => \dmstr\filemanagerCkBrowser\Module::class,
'fileflyHandlerUrl' => '/filefly/api',
// angular filemanager item prop where the urls should be picked from
// see: \dmstr\filemanagerCkBrowser\controllers\BrowserController::initCkBrowserVars()
'filemanagerCkBrowserItemImageUrl' => 'item.model.urls["image content"]',
'filemanagerCkBrowserItemFileUrl' => 'item.model.urls["download"]'
# ....
"extraPlugins": "....,filebrowser",
"filebrowserImageBrowseUrl": "/filefly-ck-browser/browser/image",
"filebrowserBrowseUrl": "/filefly-ck-browser/browser/file",
for more config options, see ckeditor filebrowser docs
according to the