A python library for the iHackerNews API.
- Author: Derek Payton
- Version: 1.0.0
- License: MIT
- Requests is used to make the HTTP request.
- A JSON library of some sort (json, simplejson, or django.utils.simplejson)
iHackerNews can be installed in any number of the usual ways:
easy_install ihackernews
pip install ihackernews
pip install -e git+git://github.com/dmpayton/python-ihackernews.git#egg=python-ihackernews
git clone git://github.com/dmpayton/python-ihackernews.git
cd python-ihackernews
python setup.py install
Basic example:
>>> from ihackernews import iHackerNewsAPI
>>> hn = iHackerNewsAPI()
>>> response = hn.profile('dmpayton')
>>> response
<iHackerNewsResponse: http://api.ihackernews.com/profile/dmpayton>
>>> response.response # The raw response from the requests library
<Response [200]>
>>> response.data # The parsed JSON data
{u'username': u'dmpayton', u'about': u"24 year old software developer (Python) in Southern California.<p>Me: <a href='http://dmpayton.com'>http://dmpayton.com</a>\nDay job: <a href='http://cukerinteractive.com'>http://cukerinteractive.com</a><p>derek.payton (at) Google's mail service.", u'createdAgo': u'1560 days ago', u'cachedOnUTC': u'/Date(1323325776265)/', u'version': u'1.0', u'karma': 578}
More examples can be found in tests.py.
python tests.py
Note: Potential instabilities in the iHackerNews API service may cause test failures. It's not entirely uncommon to receive 500's or empty data from the API, which sucks, but c'est la vie.
- Better documentation
- Automatically parse Dates to datetime.datetime objects
- Retry logic (?) -- See note under Testing