This is a major rewrite of DiskBrowser, using JavaFX and the new libraries (AppBase, AppleFileSystem and AppleFormat).
The goal is for DiskBrowser ][ to retain all the file display formats of DiskBrowser, but with a better interface and a more maintainable code base.
- Download and install the latest JDK and JavaFX binaries.
- Download DiskBrowserApp.jar.
- Create executable run file as follows:
/path/to/jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java \
--module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk/lib \
--add-modules=javafx.controls \
-jar /path/to/DiskBrowserApp.jar
C:\path\to\jdk\bin\java.exe \
--module-path C:\path\to\javafx-sdk\lib \
--add-modules=javafx.controls \
-jar C:\path\to\DiskBrowserApp.jar
The first line in each of the above shell files can be replaced with 'java \' as it's just the command to execute java on your system. The second line must be the path to wherever you placed the javafx download.
On MacOS it should probably be: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/javafx-sdk-22/lib
Specify the location of your disk image files using File -> Set Apple Root Folder. Note that this must be a FOLDER, not a file. The specified folder may contain subfolders, these will all appear in the file tree within the application.