├── app
│ ├── settings.py
│ └── urls.py
├── db.sqlite3
├── match_system
│ ├── thrift
│ └───match_server
├── game
│ ├── migrations
│ ├── routing : websocket urls
│ ├── models : Manage database
│ │ └── players
│ ├── static
│ │ ├── css : Manage the styles of game objects, such as position, width, color, background, font size, etc.
│ │ ├── image : Manage the logic of game objects, such as object creation and destruction, event functions, movement, color change, etc.
│ │ └── js
│ │ ├── dist
│ │ └── src
│ │ ├── menu
│ │ │ └── ranklist
│ │ ├── settings : manage login, register page
│ │ └── playground
│ │ ├── ball_game_object
│ │ ├── game_map
│ │ ├── particle
│ │ ├── player
│ │ ├── notice_board
│ │ ├── chatbox
│ │ ├── socket : wss
│ │ │ └── multiplayer
│ │ └── skills
│ │ ├── shield
│ │ └── fireball
│ ├── templates : Manage html files
│ │ └── multiends
│ │ └── web.html
│ ├── consumers : websocket views
│ │ └── multiplayer : Online multiplayer battles
│ │ ├── create-player
│ │ ├── move-to
│ │ ├── shoot-fireball
│ │ ├── attack
│ │ ├── shoot-field
│ │ └── message
│ ├── urls : Manage routings - correspondence between links and functions
│ │ ├── menu
│ │ ├── playground
│ │ └── settings
│ └── views : Manage HTTP functions
│ ├── menu
│ ├── playground
│ └── settings
│ ├── getinfo
│ ├── login
│ ├── logout
│ ├── register
│ └── third_party : include web-end and app-end
│ ├── apply_code
│ └── receive_code
├── scripts : automatically generate js/dist
│ ├── compress_game_js.sh : package /js/src files
│ └── uwsgi.ini
├── static : store all static files used in templates/multiends/web.html
└── showpic : store images used in readme.md
Enter Url -> app.urls -> game.urls -> game.views.index -> Show Page
Functions | Backend Sender | Frontend Sender | Frontend Receiver |
Move | async move_to() channel_layer.group_send() |
send_move_to() | receive_move_to() |
Attack | async attack() channel_layer.group_send() |
send_attack() | receive_attack() |
Fireball | async shoot_fireball() channel_layer.group_send() |
send_shoot_fireball() | receive_shoot_fireball() |
Flash | async flash() channel_layer.group_send() |
send_flash() | receive_flash() |
Shield | async shoot_shield() channel_layer.group_send() |
send_shoot_shield() | receive_shoot_shield() |
Message | async message() channel_layer.group_send() |
send_message() | receive_message() |
- Right click mouse to move;
- Press keyboard 'Q' to choose skill - FireBall, skill CD = 3s;
- Press keyboard 'F' to choose skill - Flash, skill CD = 5s;
- Press keyboard 'S' to choose skill - Shield, skill CD = 10s;
- Left Click mouse to release skills;
- Press keyboard 'Enter' to open chat box and press keyboard 'Esc' to close;
- At the end of each game, left click mouse once to exit the score board, and then left click again to return to the menu.
- Each skill has a cooldown time, which gradually shortens as the game progresses;
- Ball's radius represents its "health value", and it will loose when the radius is 0;
- After being attacked, the radius of the ball is halved and the speed is increased by 25%;
- When hit, the ball will randomly release 10-15 small particles. The color of the particle is the same as that of the ball, the speed is ten times that of the ball, and other parameters are randomly generated;
- The first five seconds of the game is the player's protection period, AI players will not attack.
- Player matchmaking will prioritize selecting opponents with similar scores.
- start
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
- start
cd match_system/src/
chmod +x main.py
- start
sudo redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf
- start
uwsgi --ini scripts/uwsgi.ini
- start
daphne -b -p 5015 app.asgi:application
- Redis
Because the game data, including user data and data generated during the game, is characterized as key-value pairs, only accessed by a single thread, and only requires temporary storage, the game data communication between the front-end and back-end uses Redis as the database. The key represents the room number and the value represents the communication data. - Websocket Bidirectional Communications
- Matching System
The matching system is composed of a message queue, a producer-consumer model, and a matching pool. The matching system communicates with the Game Server using thrift.
player sends connection request to Game Server -> Game server sends connection channel to player -> player sends add_player request to Game Server -> Game Server sends matching request to Matching Server -> Matching Server sends room_info to Game Server ->Game Server sends room_info to player - Scoring Algorithm
The scoring system adopts the Elo Score rating system. - JWT