A SPA made with Vue.JS that displays information about both past and present NBA players, along with game stats.
This application was made using Vue CLI. Data is provided from balldontlie API.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080 (or any appropriate route)
- Click on "Players" vue-router link to view player data.
- Click on "Games" vue-router link to view game data.
- Game data from API goes as far back as 1979-1980 NBA season.
- Select a team and a season, and click "Show games!" button to retireve data.
- Select either "Regular Season" or "Playoffs" tabs to view regular season or playoff game data.
- Note: If a team did not make the playoffs in a particular season, app will show a "No playoffs data available." message
- Click on "View game stats" link in any score card to view box score of a particular game.