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API review for 1.0.0

Sönke Ludwig edited this page Apr 1, 2016 · 12 revisions

The following table lists all public modules of the project along with their review status

Review markers:

  • (empty) - not reviewed
  • A - API approved
  • AD - API + documentation approved
  • -- - Not approved in current form


  • SL: Sönke Ludwig
File SL Notes
compilers.buildsettings A
compilers.compiler AD
compilers.dmd A
compilers.gdc A
compilers.ldc A
compilers.utils AD A
generators.cmake A
generators.generator A
generators.sublimetext A
generators.targetdescription A
generators.visuald A AD
recipe.json A
recipe.packagerecipe -- getPlatformSettings/collectFiles doesn't process variables in path entries. Fixing this will require an API change
recipe.sdl A
commandline AD
dependency AD
dependencyresolver A? Pending algorithm re-implementation. Might alter the API, but is good for now.
description AD
dub AD
init AD
package_ AD
packagemanager A
packagesupplier AD
platform AD
project A
semver AD

The dependencyresolver module might need to receive interface changes in conjunction with the planned new resolution algorithm.

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