Online registry for dub packages, see
- OpenSSL
- MongoDB
dub -- --mirror=
By default the GitHub/GitLab update cron job will use anonymous authentication on your local machine. As GitHub's API without authentication is quite rate-limited, you probably want to use authenticated API requests.
You can do so by creating a settings.json
in the root folder of the dub-registry and adding credentials for the needed APIs:
"github-auth": "<github-personal-access-token from>",
"gitlab-url": "",
"gitlab-auth": "<gitlab-api-token from>",
"bitbucket-user": "<your-fancy-user-name>",
"bitbucket-password": "<your-fancy-password>"
It's recommended to create a separate account for the DUB registry GitHub authentication. Equally, if no GitLab packages are used in your local repository, no GitLab authentication is needed.
It's absolutely recommended to create a personal access token without any extra permissions for your GitHub account instead of entering your password plain text into the settings file. You can generate an access token at (Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access tokens)
Development versions prior to 2.3.0 were leaking the GitLab private token in error messages shown to the user. Please make sure to use the latest version along with a freshly generated token.
For local development it's often useful to disable the cron job, you can do so with the --no-monitoring
dub -- --no-monitoring
You can download a dump of all packages and import it into your local registry for development:
curl > mirror.json
dub -- --mirror=mirror.json
Starting the registry with mirror.json
will import all packages within the JSON file.
Once all packages have been imported, you can start the registry as you normally would:
And you should notice that it now contains all packages which are listed on
Note that --mirror=mirror.json
and --mirror=
are very similar and the mirror.json
is only preferred for local development because it allows to easily nuke the entire mongo database and re-initialize it without needing any connection to the internet.
The dlangcommunity/dub-registry Docker image is available for an easy setup:
docker run --rm -ti -p 9095:9095 -v $DUB_REGISTRY_HOME:/bitnami -v $DUB_REGISTRY_HOME:/dub dlangcommunity/dub-registry
This will run both mongodb
and dub-registry
while persisting the database in the $DUB_REGISTRY_HOME
location. The registry is accessible at
To run it as a daemon and make it auto-restart use:
docker run -d --restart=always -ti -p 9095:9095 -v $DUB_REGISTRY_HOME:/bitnami -v $DUB_REGISTRY_HOME:/dub dlangcommunity/dub-registry
The registry can be configured by adding the settings.json