This library implements most features of the Weather API.
Currently Supported Features:
- Alerts
- Almanac
- Astronomy
- Conditions
- Forecast
- Forecast10day
- GeoLookup
- Hourly
- CurrentHurricane (in progress)
string key = "{Your API Key Here}";
WeatherClient client = new WeatherClient(key);
//Gets data by Airport Code
client.GetForecast(QueryType.AirportCode, new QueryOptions() { AirportCode = "DFW" });
//Gets data by the detected IP address of the calling client
//Gets data by country and city
client.GetForecast(QueryType.GlobalCity, new QueryOptions() { Country = "France", City = "Paris" });
//Gets data by GPS coordinates
client.GetForecast(QueryType.GPS, new QueryOptions() { Latitude = "37.776289", Longitude = "-122.395234" });
//Gets data by Weather Underground Link ID
client.GetForecast(QueryType.LinkId, new QueryOptions() { LinkId = "00000.1.16172" });
//Gets data from a personal weather station by ID
client.GetForecast(QueryType.PWSId, new QueryOptions() { PWSId = "KMNCHASK10" });
//Gets data for a US City
client.GetForecast(QueryType.USCity, new QueryOptions() { City = "Los Angeles", State = "CA" });
//Gets data by US Zip Code
client.GetForecast(QueryType.ZipCode, new QueryOptions() { ZipCode = "90210" });
//Gets Alerts by US City Asynchronously
await client.GetAlertsAsync(QueryType.USCity, new QueryOptions() { City = "Los Angeles", State = "CA" });
All methods have both Synchronous and Asynchronous versions
Optional Settings:
Optional settings can be used on any method call and multiple settings can be used together
//Gets a forecast in the specifid language
client.GetForecast(QueryType.AutoIp, new QueryOptions() { Language = "FR" };
//Gets a forecast setting the Use Personal Weather Stations for conditions setting (default is true)
client.GetForecast(QueryType.AutoIp, new QueryOptions() { UsePWS = false };
//Gets a forecast setting the Use Weather Underground Best Forecast for forecast
client.GetForecast(QueryType.AutoIp, new QueryOptions() { UseBestFct = false };
WUnderground Optional Settings Documentation
This library is distributed under an MIT license.