Free as in freedom
My distro of choice currently is elementaryOS. I find it a perfect balance between productivity, aesthetics, ease of use and reliability. It's based on Ubuntu and generally runs on the latest LTS release.
This setup is fine tuned for elementary but apart from some elementary specific apps most of it should apply to any distro. This setup is also consistent with my mac (for work) and windows (WSL) setup, apart from some platform specific apps.
Install Firefox from flathub, this will also enable out of box support for flathub on Appcenter (so any other flathub app can be searched for and installed directly from the Appcenter). Preference - set search engine to ddg and disable search suggestions.
Some extensions I use (synced to account):
- Bitwarden - OSS password manager
- Dark Reader - for saving my eyes
- Don't track me Google - removes tracking info from links
- Facebook Container - restricts Facebook tracking
- File Icon for GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket
- Hide W3Schools
- Keepa - Amazon price tracker
- Markdown Here - for composing the few emails I write in markdown
- MetaMask - hodl
- Minimal Twitter
- OctoLinker - turns dependencies on GitHub into GitHub project links
- - cross browser/device bookmark manager
- React dev tools
- Redux dev tools
- Snooze tabs
- Svelte dev tools
- Tabliss - customizing new tab
- uBlock origin - for keeping ads and unwantend content/tracking away
- Wayback machine
- Wikiwand - snaps cleaner UI on top of wikipedia
- Resource override
- Install core packages:
sudo apt install git build-essential vim curl wget zsh xclip xsel
- Configure
git config --global "First Last"
git config --global [email protected]
- Change machine name:
sudo vim /etc/hostname
- ZSH autosuggestions
- ZSH syntax highlighting
- bgnotify - notifies about long running terminal tasks
- z
- sudo
- gh - GitHub CLI
- htop - interactive process viewer
- fzf - fuzzy file finder
- n - node installer and version manager
- fkill-cli - fast process killer
- fx - JSON viewer
- bat - better version of
- diff-so-fancy - makes git diffs fancy
- neofetch - displays system info
- pgcli - improved postgreSQL CLI
- ag - fast code search tool
- cliflix
- jay - JS CLI REPL
- fd - find utility
- qrcp - file sharing
- croc - file transfer
- ngrok - localhost sharing
- yarn
- yt-dlp - improved
Most apps can be found on appcenter / flathub
- ULauncher - alfred alternative for linux
- Eddy - for
files - Discord
- Telegram
- Zoom
- Spotify
- Brave - for things that only works on Chrome
- Typora - markdown note taking app
- MarkText - open source note taking app
- Authy - 2FA
- Iriun - use your phone as camera
- WOMic - use your phone as microphone
- DroidCam - features both camera and microphone functionality
- Gnome system monitor
- Activity monitor
- Gnome weather
- Fondo - wallpaper utility
- Turtle - makes any executable work as a regular app (and add to dock)
- Pantheon tweaks
- Cascadia Code - coding font with italics and ligatures
- Add GPG and SSH keys
Most apps can be found on appcenter / flathub
- Harvey - color contrast checker
- Sequeler - SQL database client
- Beekeeper studio - database client
- Table Plus - database client
- Terminal - stock elmentary terminal app
- VSCode
- Insomnia - REST client
- React Native Debugger
- Flipper - React Native stuff
- ngrok - localhost tunel and forwarding
- RunJS - JS playground
- Android Studio - React Native stuff
Some extensions I use (synced):
- Bracket pair colorizer 2
- Cloak - hides secrets, useful for screencasts
- Diff
- DotENV
- Emoji
- ESLint
- Jest
- Live Share
- Markdown All in One
- Markdown Preview GitHub
- Material Icon Theme
- Noctis (theme set)
- Open In GitHub
- Partial Diff
- Pretteir
- RayThis
- React Native Tools
- Svelte for VS Code
- vscode-spotify
- vscode-styled-components
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- NPM Dependency
- Discord Presence
- Code Spell Checker
(a bit outdated)
- @divyanshu013 please drop me your Linux dev setup tips :)