Search keywords do not need to be in a block
How to use it
place {{search+}}
in a block
Divided into Two Parts: The first part is the Filter, where you can set query logic. The second part displays the query results, including a further filtering bar, a side list displaying the results, and a view showing the selected results.
In the First Part, there are various query logic chains:
- You can choose Content, representing the content of Pages and Blocks. After selecting it, you can choose further operations. For example, if I choose "contains" and input "roam," it means I want to query all pages and blocks with content containing "roam."
- The meaning of each option:
- contains: includes
- does not contain: does not include
- regex: supports Regex operations with built-in options
- equals to: content equals the title or block
- does not equal to: not (equals to)
- is empty: find blocks with empty content
- is not empty: find blocks or pages with non-empty content
- The meaning of each option:
- Page ref and Block ref have the same meaning for operation options.
- Hierarchical search: Indicates a hierarchical relationship between the target and filtering conditions.
- under any of: the target block has children blocks containing page ref or block ref
- not under any of: the target block is not under related page ref or block ref's children blocks
- Inline search: Indicates conditions apply on the same block.
- contains any of: contains 1 or more refs
- contains: contains all refs
- does not contain: does not contain listed refs; the block may have other refs
- is empty: block or page without refs
- is not empty: block or page with refs
- Hierarchical search: Indicates a hierarchical relationship between the target and filtering conditions.
- Created time and Edited time represent the creation and modification time of pages and blocks.
- equals to: within a specific time frame, with a minimum unit of a day
- does not equal to: not within a specific time frame
- greater than: after that time point
- not less than: not earlier than that time point
- less than: before that time point
- not greater than: not later than that time point
- Every time an input box loses focus or "enter" is pressed during input, an immediate query can be performed.
- You can choose Content, representing the content of Pages and Blocks. After selecting it, you can choose further operations. For example, if I choose "contains" and input "roam," it means I want to query all pages and blocks with content containing "roam."
In the Second Part,
- Two means are provided to further filter the query results:
- Filter input
- Supports fuzzy search
- Generally speaking, fuzzy searching, more formally known as approximate string matching, is the technique of finding strings that are approximately equal to a given pattern.
- Supports fuzzy search
- Page or block selection
- Filter input
- Result view
- Side menu
- Displays all results that meet the conditions.
- Edit view
- Allows direct editing of selected results.
- Side menu
- Two means are provided to further filter the query results:
- search within specific pages
- search within a specific time range
- sort by
- priority: page title, block, keywords
- modified time
- created time
- supports "expressions in quotes" and case intensive
- supports copy result as references
- open in main window or sidebar
- record your queries and browsing history
You can open the search dialog in two ways
- more accurate context
- users involve
- mobile support
- performance improvement
- embed mode
- multiple choice
- tags involve
- RegExp search
- panel settings
- save inputs as config like tab
- arrow key to select
- resistance to typos
- toggle Exactly