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Facilitates the asynchronous and parallel processing of jobs in Islandora.


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Islandora Job

Drupal module to facilitate asynchronous and parallel processing of Islandora jobs. Allows for Drupal modules to register worker functions and routes messages received from a job server to said functions.


  • A functioning Gearman installation, access to the gearman shell command, and the Gearman PHP extension.

Install Gearman Server (Ubuntu 14.04)

  • apt-get install libgearman-dev gearman-job-server gearman-tools

  • In your favorite text editor update the parameters to be passed to Gearman in /etc/default/gearman-job-server. In this example Gearman manages itself on a local database as outlined below.

    • PARAMS="--listen= --queue-type=MySQL --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=$DRUPAL_USERNAME --mysql-password=$DRUPAL_PASSWORD --mysql-db=$DRUPAL_DB --mysql-table=gearman_queue"
  • Add an override in /etc/init/gearman-job-server.override such that Gearman starts and stops accordingly.

     # -*- upstart -*-
     # Upstart configuration script for "gearman-job-server".
     description "gearman job control server"
     start on (filesystem and net-device-up IFACE=lo)
     stop on runlevel [!2345]
     # gearman-job-server need to talk to the DB.
     start on started mysql
     stop on stopping mysql
     # exec start-stop-daemon --start --chuid gearman --exec /usr/sbin/gearmand -- --log-file=/var/log/gearman-job-server/gearman.log
     # PATCH:
     . /etc/default/gearman-job-server
     exec start-stop-daemon --start --chuid gearman --exec /usr/sbin/gearmand -- $PARAMS --log-file=/var/log/gearman-job-server/gearman.log
     end script
  • Follow the instructions to install the gearman-init system service scripts to manage workers.

Install Gearman PHP Extension

  • Install the Gearman PHP extension via PECL
    • /usr/bin/pecl install gearman
  • Make the extension available for use by PHP
    • echo >> /etc/php5/mods-available/gearman.ini
  • Enable the Gearman PHP library.
    • In PHP versions > 5.4 you can use php5enmod
      • php5enmod gearman
    • Otherwise, do the following
      • ln -s /etc/php5/mods-available/gearman.ini /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-gearman.ini
      • ln -s /etc/php5/mods-available/gearman.ini /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/20-gearman.ini
  • Restart the webserver
    • service apache2 restart

Download and install the Islandora Job module like any other Drupal module.


This module aims to be as simple and ‘Drupal-y’ as possible. To register a function as a job, your module must implement hook_register_job(). This hook must return an array whose keys are the names of the functions you want to be jobs, and whose values are an associative array modeled after the input to module_load_include. If you define a new job or enable a module that implements jobs, you’ll have to restart all workers for the jobs to be processed.

For example, in your .module file:

* Implements hook_register_jobs().
function my_module_register_jobs() {
  $jobs = array(
    'my_module_hello_world' => array(
      'type' => 'inc',                  // The extension of the file that defines 'my_module_example_job'
      'module' => 'my_module',          // The module that has 'my_module_example_job'
      'name' => 'includes/utilities',   // The relative path to the file that defines 'my_module_example_job'.  
                                        // Note the extension is missing just like in module_load_include().
                                        // This argument is not required if your function is in the .module file.
  return $jobs;

In your utilities file:

 * Betcha can't guess what this'll do!
function my_module_hello_world($name) {
  $greeting = "Hello $name";
  return $greeting;

Elsewhere in your code, you can submit jobs in one of three ways: in the foreground, in the foreground as a batch, or in the background. In all three cases, arguments to job function are provided to the submission function and are automagically passed through to the job function itself! The only caveat is that arguments that are objects must be serialized, and the job function must know to deserialize them. See the tests for more examples.

Executing a job in the foreground blocks until complete and returns the result.

islandora_job_submit('my_module_hello_world', "Danny"); // Returns "Hello Danny"

Executing a job in the background doesn't block, but only returns the id of the job that was submitted to the server. The results of the job are never returned to the code the submitted the job.

islandora_job_submit_background('my_module_hello_world', "Jordan"); // Returns something like "H:your-machine-name:90"

Executing a jobs as a foreground batch will block until all jobs have executed and returns TRUE if there were no errors, otherwise FALSE.

$batch = array(
    'job_name' => 'my_module_hello_world',
    'args' => array(
    'job_name' => 'my_module_hello_world',
    'args' => array(
    'job_name' => 'my_module_hello_world',
    'args' => array(
    'job_name' => 'my_module_hello_world',
    'args' => array(
    'job_name' => 'my_module_hello_world',
    'args' => array(

islandora_job_submit_batch($batch);  // Returns TRUE

For jobs that may require individual multisite workers, job function names should be washed through islandora_job_function_name(), which applies multisite names to job function names as a prefix, e.g., my_module_hello_world on sites/default would go into the queue unchanged, whereas on sites/, it would become this.site_my_module_hello_world. This allows different workers to handle and route queue items to different sites based on the prefix without having to maintain multiple gearmand instances and queue tables.

Individual multisites can opt out of prefixing if they feel it is necessary using the "Add a multisite prefix to job queue name" checkbox at admin/islandora/tools/job.

Starting and Stopping Workers

Workers are started and stopped via system services such as those implemented in gearman-init.

Persistent Database Queue

By default, the job queue is stored in memory, which is fine for development purposes. For production environments, you’ll probably want the queue of jobs to survive a crash or system restart. To enable this, you need to pass the --queue-type argument to the gearmand command to specify which type of persistent store you would like to use. In addition to the --queue-type argument, there are several other optional arguments that must be provided depending on which type of store you choose. Here are examples for the two database types that Drupal supports.

For MySQL (available since 0.34), edit /etc/default/gearman-job-server and add the following arguments to the PARAMS variable:

--queue-type=MySQL --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=drupal_db_user --mysql-password=drupal_db_pw --mysql-db=drupal --mysql-table=gearman_queue

For Postgres, edit /etc/default/gearman-job-server to include:

export PGHOST=TheHostname
export PGPORT=5432
export PGUSER=drupal
export PGPASSWORD=ThePassword
export PGDATABASE=drupal
PARAMS=”--verbose -q libpq --libpq-table=gearmanqueue1 --verbose”

There is no need to manually create any tables for either database type. Gearman will create the queue table on its own if it does not exist.

Of course, you’ll have to restart the server for these changes to take effect.

sudo service restart gearman-job-server

How many jobs are left?

You can determine how many job are left by issuing a query to the database table defined in the gearmand args.

SELECT function_name, COUNT(function_name) FROM gearman_queue GROUP BY function_name;

This, of course, assumes you are using a database for persistence.

Clearing the job queue

Let's face it, at some point in time you're going to screw something up and flood the job server with a bunch of jobs that are going to error 'til the cows come home. You can use SQL to delete jobs from the queue table, or just truncate the table entirely.

# For a single job type
DELETE FROM gearman_queue WHERE function_name = "my_borked_function_name";

# Nuke 'em Rico!
TRUNCATE TABLE gearman_queue;

This, of course, assumes you are using a database for persistence. If you like running fast and loose (e.g. no persistence), then you can just restart the gearman server and it’ll clobber any jobs remaining.

sudo service restart gearman-job-server

Accepting Remote Connections

By the defaults defined in /etc/default/gearman-job-server, Gearman will only accept connections from localhost. If you want to allow connections from other computers, change the --listen argument to include your whitelisted ip in the defaults file.


There is optional UI reporting to display to the end user when something has yet to be processed. This can be configured via the administration form for the module.

In the event a multi-site structure is being used and Gearman lives on a remote server an entry in the settings.php will need to be present to allow the gearman_queue table to be queried.

The entry should be something similar to the below:

'gearman_queue' => array(
      'default' => array(
        'database' => 'test',
        'username' => 'test',
        'password' => 'test',
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'port' => '',
        'driver' => 'mysql',
        'prefix' => '',

NOTE: The keys for gearman_queue and default must be present.


Facilitates the asynchronous and parallel processing of jobs in Islandora.








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