This package contains the collections of tools neded to control the new weather station (Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520) installed at the Medicina Radiotelescope. Developed and testes for Scientific Linux release 5.9 (Boron) 64 bit.
Version 1.0
easy_install zdaemon
- install the udp library inside skecthbook/libraries
- configure the file /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld. An example is provided in folder etc
- configure the file /etc/my.cnf. An example is provided in foleder etc.
##installazione software
- download package
- set properly variable inside makefile: PROCESSING=$(HOME)/processing-3.0.2 CC=gcc INTROOT=/data/MeteoIntroot WEBOWNER=meteo:webmaster
- make clean all clients install
- some information requests will be prompted
- source $INTROOT/config/weather_station_profile in your .bash_profile
- if the weather station have to start at bootup edit your rc.local file and add the line: su -l meteo -c startWeather
- Add the proper location in file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. $(INTROOT) should be replaced with the location configured in the makefile
location ~* /meteo { autoindex on; root ($INTROOT)/introot; index index.html index.htm; }