<item type="Option" action=SwitchHotkeyScheme label=" Keys0 " data="">
<label="\e[48:2:0:128:128;38:2:0:255:0m Keys1 \e[m" data="1"/>
" Toggle hotkey scheme \n"
" Alternative hotkey scheme allows keystrokes \n"
" to be passed through without processing "
<hotkeys> <!-- The required key combination sequence can be generated on the Info page, accessible by clicking on the label in the lower right corner of the vtm desktop. -->
<tui key*> <!-- TUI matrix layer key bindings. The scheme=0 is implicitly used by default. -->
<key="Space-Backspace | Backspace-Space" action=ToggleDebugOverlay/> <!-- Toggle debug overlay. -->
<key="Ctrl-Alt | Alt-Ctrl" scheme=""> <action=SwitchHotkeyScheme data="1"/></key> <!-- Switch the hotkey scheme to "1" by pressing and releasing Ctrl-Alt or Alt-Ctrl (reversed release order). -->
<key="Ctrl-Alt | Alt-Ctrl" scheme="1"><action=SwitchHotkeyScheme data=""/> </key> <!-- Switch the hotkey scheme to default by pressing and releasing Ctrl-Alt or Alt-Ctrl (reversed release order). -->
<term key*> <!-- Application specific layer key bindings. -->
<key="Alt+RightArrow" action=TerminalFindNext/> <!-- Highlight next match of selected text fragment. Clipboard content is used if no active selection. -->
<key="Alt+LeftArrow" action=TerminalFindPrev/> <!-- Highlight previous match of selected text fragment. Clipboard content is used if no active selection. -->
<key="Shift+Ctrl+PageUp"> <action=TerminalScrollViewportByPage data=" 0, 1"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one page up. -->
<key="Shift+Ctrl+PageDown"> <action=TerminalScrollViewportByPage data=" 0,-1"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one page down. -->
<key="Ctrl+PageUp" scheme="1"><action=TerminalScrollViewportByPage data=" 0, 1"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one page up. -->
<key="Ctrl+PageDown" scheme="1"><action=TerminalScrollViewportByPage data=" 0,-1"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one page down. -->
<key="Shift+Alt+LeftArrow"> <action=TerminalScrollViewportByPage data=" 1, 0"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one page to the left. -->
<key="Shift+Alt+RightArrow"> <action=TerminalScrollViewportByPage data="-1, 0"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one page to the right. -->
<key="Shift+Ctrl+UpArrow"> <action=TerminalScrollViewportByCell data=" 0, 1"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one line up. -->
<key="Shift+Ctrl+DownArrow"> <action=TerminalScrollViewportByCell data=" 0,-1"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one line down. -->
<key="Shift+Ctrl+LeftArrow"> <action=TerminalScrollViewportByCell data=" 1, 0"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one cell to the left. -->
<key="Shift+Ctrl+RightArrow"> <action=TerminalScrollViewportByCell data="-1, 0"/></key> <!-- Scroll viewport one cell to the right. -->