acts_as_edgy makes it really easy to add Directed Edge recommendations to a Rails app using your existing models and data.
You can install acts as edgy to your model with the following steps:
Install the directed-edge and will_paginate gems:
sudo gem install directed-edge will_paginate
You may also wish to add these gems to your config/environment.rb
Install the acts_as_edgy plugin in your Rails app:
./script/plugin install
You'll need a Directed Edge account. (Sign up here) Once you have your account info handy, you cat store it in an initializer by running:
rake edgy:configre
The acts_as_edgy method associates data from one model to another target model via connections between them in your current model hierarchy. For example, with the Rails e-commerce application Spree, we want to associate a users with products by their purchases.
To do that we add an acts_as_edgy statement to our User model with name for the relationship type (i.e. "purchase") and the path between those models, which we call "bridges". Specifically, in Spree's database layout a purchase is represented by:
- Order references a User ID and LineItem IDs
- LineItem references Variant IDs
- Variant IDs reference Product IDs
We tell acts_as_edgy about that thusly:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_edgy(:purchase, Order, LineItem, Variant, Product)
# ...
And acts_as_edgy figures out the rest, including which columns to reference when building the path from User to Product.
If we envisoned something a litle simpler, for instance, a "like" for a product, it'd just be:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_edgy(:like, Like, Product)
# ...
Basically you just have to tell acts_as_edgy how to get to from the model where you're adding the line to the thing that you want to recommend.
Since acts_as_edgy now knows how your models are connected, it's time to push that data over to Directed Edge's servers. You can do that with a simple Rake call:
rake edgy:export
By default, also, all relevant updates to your data that you make while the application is running will be instantly pushed over to Directed Edge's servers, however, it's not a bad idea to stick the above call in a cron job that runs every week or so to make sure that things are perfectly in sync.
acts_as_edgy adds a couple of methods to your models to make it easy to get at the recommendations. For instance, to access the related products for an item, you can do:
product = Product.first
related = product.edgy_related
By default edgy_related returns items that come from the same model, whereas edgy_recommended will recommend things from the target models (i.e. the last model listed) in the acts_as_edgy lines that you add to your models. Specifically, for personalized recommendations for a user you can do:
user = User.first
recommended = user.edgy_recommended(:max_results => 4)
shirts = user.edgy_recommended(:max_results => 4, :tags => [ 'shirt' ])
And so on.
Feel free to hit us up or check out our developer wiki for more info on our web services API.
Copyright (c) 2010 Directed Edge, released under the MIT license