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A Skeleton Screens implementation for websites first load in CSS. The main benefit is to provide a great user experience on first page load and to decrease the First and Largest Contentful Paint time that has a role to play in Google's website evaluation


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Skeleton Screens Concept

Skeleton Screens Concept example screenshot

I present to you a concept of implementation of Skeleton Screens in web Single Page Applications. Before thinking about using this concept in your project, make sure to read the Known issues section.

The main benefit is to provide a great user experience on first page load and to decrease the First Contentful Paint time that has a role to play in Google's website evaluation, you can learn more in Benefits section

An example is available at the following address:

I made sure that the style sheet weighs at least 300 kb for the example by adding random strings inside. You can use your browser developer tools to simulate a slow internet connection.

The source code is available in this repository: index.html.


First, we load the application style sheet as a non-blocking resource using the following pattern in the HTML head element:

<link rel="preload" href="style.css" as="style">

And add the stylesheet at the end of your body element:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

Then, we add some CSS inside a style tag just before the non-blocking style sheet loading:

  <!-- Any head things -->

    /** Standard style of the application */
    html {
      background-color: white;
    body {
      margin: 0;

    /** Skeleton style element */
    .header {
      height: 80px;
      background-color: blue;
    .header__content {
      display: none;

    .footer {
      display: none;

  <!-- Non-blocking style sheet loading -->
  <link rel="preload" href="style.css" as="style">

Then, we need to crush some pre-loading style by adding display: block to .header__content and .footer in our style.css file.


We could add skeleton blocks and highlighting animations in our pre-loading style using before and after pseudo-elements and CSS animations.

To create a fake logo block inside the header, we can add the following style:

.header__wrap::before {
  content: "";

  position: absolute;
  top: 16px;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 16px;

  width: 100px;

  background-color: #efefef;

Then we can add an highlight sweeping animation using like that:

.header__wrap::before {
  /* Block style */

    linear-gradient(to right, transparent, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6) 50%, transparent 100%);

  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: 80px 100%;
  background-position: -80px 0;

  animation: sweep 1000ms ease-in-out 0s infinite;

@keyframes sweep {
  to {
    background-position: calc(100% + 80px) 0;

Known issues

When loading the application style as a non-blocking resource, any element with a transition CSS property will get triggered on style sheet load if its animated properties values are different from the default or from the pre-loader style.

To prevent this problem to trigger transition on every property of the element, we can target the properties to animate using the transition-duration and transition-property CSS properties. You can learn more about theses on Mozilla Web documentation:

To totally prevent this issue we'll need to add a specific class name to the html tag like .js-can-use-transitions on style loading after a small time and use the transition property in our style only when this class name has been added:

At the end of the body element:

 onload="setTimeout(function () { document.documentElement.className += ' js-can-use-transitions';}, 100);"

In style.css:

.js-can-use-transitions .header {
  transition: background-color 300ms;

This solution is not ideal, the user will need to have JavaScript enabled to have CSS transitions and the time to wait before adding the class name to the html element depends on the user device computation performance. The 100 milliseconds value is the maximum average time the browser will need to compute the style sheet.


I did five Google PageSpeed Insights tests on each version of the same example page: the standard one without skeleton screens and with render-blocking CSS and the version with this concept.

The Mobile score and First Contentful Paint time were always the same after each test. The version with skeleton screens got a 99% mobile score with 0,8 seconds for the First Contentful Paint. The standard version got a 97% mobile score with 2,2 seconds for the First Contentful Paint.

These results are not the best example because the example page has a super simple DOM and the 300 kb style sheet only contains a small amount of CSS to compute, the whole file size come from a random string in a CSS comment.

I'll need to implement this concept into a real website to better understand the performance benefit.

Use Case

This approach of skeleton screens is useful for Single Page Applications with a heavy style sheet.

Frameworks implementation

I need to find solutions to use this concept with static website frameworks like Gatsby or Next.js.



This project is licensed under the MIT license.


A Skeleton Screens implementation for websites first load in CSS. The main benefit is to provide a great user experience on first page load and to decrease the First and Largest Contentful Paint time that has a role to play in Google's website evaluation







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