In this repository, I have gathered some of the most important concepts in JavaScript:
- Data types
- Primitive/Reference values
- Scope
- Hoisting
- Let vs Const
- Closures
- IIFE's
- Bind, Call, and Apply
- this
- Objects (and prototypes)
- Classes
- Callbacks (and the event loop)
- Promises
- Intervals
For some of them, I have added articles that helped me understand the concept. Full list of articles can be found below.
git clone
Type in 'node' and 'filename' in the terminal to execute the code. For instance:
node 01_types.js
NOTE: Node has to be installed globally on your machine. It is an environment which allows the execution of JavaScript locally on your machine.
TIP: after typing 'node 02' press TAB to autocomplete the file name.
"JavaScript ES6+: var, let, or const?" by Eric Elliott (@ericelliott).
"Master the JavaScript Interview: What is a Closure?" by Eric Elliott (@ericelliott).
"Learn ES6 The Dope Way Part II: Arrow functions and the ‘this’ keyword" by Mariya Diminsky (@mariyadiminsky).
"Understanding JavaScript Prototypes" by Femi.
"JavaScript Prototype and Prototype Chain explained." by Chamika Kasun (@chamikabm).
"JavaScript Classes, Inheritance, and Prototype Chaining (ES5 and ES6 Way)" by Kunal Tandon.
"JavaScript ES6: Classes" by Luke Ruokaismaki.
"" by Zell Liew.
"" by Zell Liew.
Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to add any other JavaScript concept that you find important.