An X25519 (Curve25519) DH (Diffie-Hellman) key implementation to work with the crypto-ld LDKeyPair API.
For use with crypto-ld
>= 5.0
To actually perform encryption with those keys, we recommend you use
the minimal-cipher
This is a low-level level library to generate and serialize X25519 (Curve25519)
key pairs (uses
under the hood).
See also (related specs):
Requires Node.js 12+
To install locally (for development):
git clone
cd x25519-key-agreement-key-2019
npm install
const {X25519KeyAgreementKey2019} = require('@digitalbazaar/x25519-key-agreement-key-2019');
// Or, if you're testing code in the interactive Node CLI, right in this repo:
const {X25519KeyAgreementKey2019} = require('./');
const keyPair = await X25519KeyAgreementKey2019.generate({
controller: 'did:example:1234'
Serializing just the public key:
keyPair.export({publicKey: true});
// ->
id: 'did:example:1234#z6LSbh9HiAU2zzBdFMdKZGHfg1UjvAYF8C8kYnkfGKuCxYEB',
type: 'X25519KeyAgreementKey2019',
controller: 'did:example:1234',
publicKeyBase58: '1y8BrfAuXTt9yFZ2cmiMRGG5218Raxbfp2ymsFgFATR'
Serializing both the private and public key:
// a different key pair than the previous example
await keyPair.export({publicKey: true, privateKey: true})
// ->
id: 'did:example:1234#z6LSjeJZaUHMvEKW7tEJXV4PrSm61NzxxHhDXF6zHnVtDu9g',
type: 'X25519KeyAgreementKey2019',
controller: 'did:example:1234',
publicKeyBase58: '8y8Q4AUVpmbm2VrXzqYSXrYcAETrFgX4eGPJoKrMWXNv',
privateKeyBase58: '95tmYuhqSuJqY77FEg78Zy3LFQ1cENxGv2wMvayk7Lqf'
// Loading public key only
const keyPair = await X25519KeyAgreementKey2019.from({
id: 'did:example:1234#z6LSjeJZaUHMvEKW7tEJXV4PrSm61NzxxHhDXF6zHnVtDu9g',
type: 'X25519KeyAgreementKey2019',
controller: 'did:example:1234',
publicKeyBase58: '8y8Q4AUVpmbm2VrXzqYSXrYcAETrFgX4eGPJoKrMWXNv'
See the contribute file!
PRs accepted.
If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
Commercial support for this library is available upon request from Digital Bazaar: [email protected]
New BSD License (3-clause) © Digital Bazaar