Analysis of the express divorce law that wen into effect on October 2008 in Mexico's Federal District. In addition this program calculates the probability that a marriage in Mexico ends in divorce based on data obtained from the INEGI.
- Run "run-all.R"
- Vital Statistics from the INEGI
As part of the output you'll get the following files:
- divorces-federal-district-by-marriage-state.csv: Divorces filed in the Federal District by state where the marriage took place
- divorces-federal-district.csv: All divorces filed in the Federal District
- marriage-duration-all-mx.csv: The duration of marriages that ended in divorce. Data for all of Mexico
- marriage-duration-by-state.csv.bz2: The duration of marriages that ended in divorce by state where the marriage took place. Data for all of Mexico
- marriage-duration-by-state-in-federa-district.csv.bz2: The duration of marriages that ended in divorce. Data for the Federal District
- marriage-duration-federal-district.csv: The duration of marriages that ended in divorce. Data for the Federal District
- marriages-federal-district.csv: Monthly number of marriages in the Federal District