This project contains data for Typey Type, a free typing app designed for steno students to practise and master stenography.
You can support Di’s efforts on Patreon. A monthly donation helps Di build more lessons and features to help you fast-track your steno progress.
To contribute lessons or dictionaries, see the Typey Type CLI repo instead.
This repo contains the results of automated scripts from the CLI that transform Typey Type’s steno-dictionaries and other data to produce the files in this repo.
You can create issues for lesson ideas or inaccurate data. See the CONTRIBUTING guidelines.
Historically this repo has contained the steno-dictionaries submodule but that has been moved to Typey Type CLI. If you've been using the paths to these dictionaries in Plover, for example, you may need to update them to look in the CLI's submodule or somewhere standalone. For example, if Plover was looking for:
… replace that with:
… or a completely separate place like:
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].
This project is licensed under GPL-2.0, as shown in LICENSE. The following files came from Plover and are also licensed under GPL-2.0: