Here are OCaml bindings for TrailDB, an efficient tool for storing and querying series of events.
To build from source.
- jbuilder OCaml build system.
From source:
$ make # use jbuilder
$ make test
$ make install # use opam
Or using directly jbuilder:
$ jbuilder build @install
$ jbuilder runtest
$ jbuilder install
A TrailDB file is a read only collection of trails, i.e. keyed series of event records with a timestamp and sharing a common set of fields.
The API is documented in lib/trailDB.mli.
A TrailDB file is created after a series of event records with
- a trail identifier,
- a timestamp
- and a shared set of fields.
(* Start the creation of a new traildb file to record events
with two fields (measure kind and value) plus an implicit timestamp *)
let db = TrailDB.Cons.open_w "/tmp/foo" ["measure";"value"] in
(* Make some trail identifiers *)
let uuid_0 = Uuidm.(v5 ns_oid "trail_0") in
let uuid_1 = Uuidm.(v5 ns_oid "trail_1") in
(* Insert events with a string value for each field *)
TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_0 123456L ["temperature";"22"];
TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_1 123456L ["temperature";"12"];
TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_1 123457L ["temperature";"13"];
TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_0 123457L ["temperature";"23"];
TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_0 123458L ["temperature";"24"];
TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_1 123458L ["temperature";"14"];
TrailDB.Cons.add db uuid_1 123459L ["temperature";"13"];
(* Dump on disk the TrailDB file *)
TrailDB.Cons.finalize db
Once build a TrailDB database is read only file.
(* Open a read only TrailDB file *)
let db = TrailDB.open_r "/tmp/foo.tdb" in
(* Get some meta data *)
assert (TrailDB.num_trails db = 2L);
assert (TrailDB.num_events db = 7L);
assert (TrailDB.num_fields db = 3L); (* timestamp, measure, value *)
(* Get the identifier of a trail given its UUIDs *)
let trail_uuid = Uuidm.(v5 ns_oid "trail_1") in
let (Some trail_id) = TrailDB.get_trail_id db trail_uuid in
(* Extract the events of a trail using a cursor *)
let cursor = TrailDB.Cursor.create db in
TrailDB.Cursor.get_trail cursor trail_id;
let rec loop () =
match cursor with
| None -> ()
| Some event ->
let [measure;value] =
|> (TrailDB.get_item_value db)
Printf.printf "(%Ld,%s,%s)\n" event.TrailDB.timestamp measure value
|> loop
loop ()