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Vocola is a voice command language — a language for creating commands to control a computer by voice — created by Rick Mohr. Two versions are available: Vocola 2 works with Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) and Vocola 3 works with Windows Speech Recognition (WSR) on Windows 8, 7, and Vista. This repository contains the source code for Vocola 2. While DNS and WSR handle the heavy lifting, Vocola (pronounced "vo-CO-luh") concentrates on features and ease of use. In particular, Vocola offers the following:

Easy to use:

  • Simple, concise command syntax—most commands are one-liners
  • Easy to view and modify commands
  • Changed commands are loaded automatically
  • Large set of useful sample commands
  • Free


  • Create commands which capture any dictated words
  • Use concise number ranges, optional words, and inline word lists
  • Specify different actions for variable words
  • Speak a continuous sequence of commands
  • Re-use work with include files and user-defined functions

Complete documentation can be found at the Vocola website.

Note. This version in is a fork of an older Vocola 2.8.6 that was ported to Python 3 by developers who wanted to use it with Python 3 around 2020. We made the effort to package Vocola, so it can be installed with pip both from PyPi, github, or as an editable install, and use the logging facility of Python to log messages to the Natlink message window. We have been using increasing version numbers 3.x to mark progress.

In the meantime, maintainers of the Vocola project have advanced Vocola using the 2.x version numbers. If you are desiring the features 2.8.7 or later highlighted on, be sure to install Vocola using the directions on that page. Be sure to uninstall any version of Vocola you have installed with pip first.


Here are four voice commands defined in Vocola:

Copy That = {Ctrl+c};
Copy to WordPad = {Ctrl+a}{Ctrl+c} AppBringUp(WordPad);
1..40 (Left | Right | Up | Down) = {$2_$1};
Sort by (Date=e | Sender=n | Subject=s) = {Alt+v}o $1;

The first is a simple keystroke command—saying "Copy That" sends the keystroke Control-C, which copies the current selection to the clipboard. The great majority of commands needed for controlling a computer by voice are simple keystroke commands like this.

The second command, invoked by saying "Copy to WordPad", copies a window of text (Control-A selects all text and Control-C copies it) and brings up the WordPad editor (using the built-in function AppBringUp).

The third command allows controlling the cursor, by saying for example "3 Left" to move left three characters, or "6 Down" to move down six lines. Spoken words match variable terms on the left and are substituted into the keystroke sequence on the right. For example, when saying "3 Left" the spoken "3" matches the numeric range 1..40 and the spoken "Left" matches the alternative set (Left | Right | Up | Down). The keystroke sequence {Left 3} is constructed and sent, and the cursor moves left three characters.

The fourth command allows sorting messages in Mozilla's Thunderbird Mailer, by saying "Sort by Date", "Sort by Sender", or "Sort by Subject". The matched word "Date", "Sender", or "Subject", causes the appropriate keystroke "e", "n", or "s" to be inserted into the keystroke sequence, choosing the desired option in Thunderbird's View > Sort menu.

Why a custom voice command language?

Other systems for defining voice commands are grafted onto existing programming languages. This means you can program any behavior you want, but you're stuck with the syntactic overhead of the base language. In contrast, Vocola is designed specifically as a voice command language, not as a general-purpose programming language. This means you can write quickly and concisely the great majority of voice commands you need, and use another language in the few cases where you need more power.

When I (Rick) switched from the Dragon Macro Language to Vocola I was able to convert all but two of my 200+ Dragon macros (achieving a source line count reduction of roughly 6:1) and at this writing use well over 1,000 Vocola commands.


Natlink and Vocola2 have been upgraded to Python 3

-First install Natlink to the latest version.

The current Vocola2 is partly stable, and can be installed via pip:

pip install  --pre vocola2

Note the --pre to get the prelrease versions.

Instructions for installing the latest released version can be found at

Instructions for the developers

To install the version checked out in your git repository, pip install -e . in your repository root.

To build the package, run this in your repository root:

python -m build


To be written: describe and show how to run the tests with code examples.


To be written: let people know how they can dive into the project, include important links to things like issue trackers, irc, twitter accounts if applicable. Contact contributors.


MIT (see LICENSE.txt)

Location of Samples

sample commands installed with Vocolas2 will be installed in: the Lib\site-packages\vocola2\samples subfolder of your Python installation. Good ones to start with include msedge.vcl for sending commands to Microsoft Edge.

If you want to use any of these samples, you have to copy them to the Vocola user directory specified in natlink.ini in the vocola section:

vocolauserdirectory = ~\Documents\vocola_yourname