event driven data binding for the modern browser. dependency free, all that cool js
hipster stuff tiny
component that gives you all the data binding functionality you need, with a fuck ie8,9, and you too ie10
outlook. view the demo, check out the examples.
<div data-murk="example"></div>
var example = murk({
// options
example: 'herro, friend.'
var example = murk({
// options
}).on('example', function(key) {
console.log(key); // example
console.log(this); // <div data-murk="example"></div>
}).set('example', 'test');
var example = murk({
// options
}).registerFilter('filterExample', function(val) {
return '!!!' + val + '!!!';
These are WIP
so expect a change?
<div data-murk="arrayExample" data-murk-repeat="true">
<div data-murk-repeat="name"></div>
<div data-murk-repeat="age"></div>
var example = murk({
// options
}).set('arrayExample', [{
name: 'ralph',
age: 21
name: 'bart',
age: 44
You can view the example folder, or checkout the demo -- here's a fun example of how it all works:
var example = (function(w,d) {
var modelOutput, m;
m = murk({
dev: true,
id: 'demo'
}).registerFilter('reverseStr', function(val) {
return val.split('').reverse().join('');
}).registerFilter('highlightText', function(val) {
this.style.color = 'red';
function init() {
modelOutput = d.getElementById('model');
m.on('repeatedExample', function(key) {
modelOutput.innerHTML = JSON.stringify({model: m.state.model, keys: m.state.keys},null,2);
}).on(['firstExample','secondExample','thirdExample','fourthExample'], function(key) {
var count = this.getAttribute('data-murk-count');
var el = d.getElementById(key + 'Count');
var input = d.getElementById(key);
if (!input.value) input.value = m.state.model[key];
if (count) {
m.set(key + 'Count', count);
el.style.display = 'inherit';
firstExample: 'this is',
secondExample: 'data binding',
thirdExample: 'murked.',
repeatedExample: ['holy','kittens','ye']
modelOutput.innerHTML = JSON.stringify({model: m.state.model, keys: m.state.keys},null,2);
$('[data-murk-example]').on('keyup blur', function(e) {
m.set(this.id, this.value);
modelOutput.innerHTML = JSON.stringify({model: m.state.model, keys: m.state.keys},null,2);
return m;
return m;