Below is a list of all algorithms. Those with a tick are implemented and tested. Other may be implemented but lack a unit test.
Untested code may not work or compile at all - so be careful.
To run the tests execute make test && ./test.out
To print the AVL Tree exercise output execute make avl && ./avl.out
- Fibonacci
- Factorial
- Shuffling
- Kuth/Fisher-Yates
- Sorting
- Insertion Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Flagged Bubble Sort
- Shuttle Sort
- Quick Sort
- First as pivot
- Median as pivot
- Merge Sort
- Natural
- Recursive
- Heap Sort
- Searching
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Hashing
- Pattern Matching
- Tries
- Huffman Coding
- Stack
- Queue
- Linear Linked List
- Ordered Linked List
- AVL Tree
- Merge Sort
- Stack
- Queue
- Binary Tree
- Search Tree
- Algebraic Tree
- Heap (Test is Heap Sort Test)